PRECISE – Innovative Precision Health
Precision health promotes health equity across the lifespan by increasing the accuracy of interventions at the molecular, individual and community levels. Through increased knowledge of human biology, lifestyle and environment, we develop new methods that enable the right intervention, at the right time and in the right context.

Research projects
Our research concerns precision health at the molecular, individual and societal level. Read more about the projects.

Graduate School of Precision Health
Sweden's first graduate school in precision health gather doctoral students for interdisciplinary cooperation.

Light and sound combined for better images of inside the body
With ultrasound, the body's interior can be examined and with photoacoustics, pulsed laser light has begun to be used for similar purposes. Now, researchers want to combine both into a new technology.

Successful PRECISE day
Researchers, experts, and stakeholders gathered in the LKAB auditorium to take part in the PRECISE Day, which focused on how we can collectively promote precision health to create value.