Computational Fluid Dynamics
COURSE SYLLABUS, third-cycle courses
Course name: Computational Fluid Dynamics
ECTS/HP: 7.5
Course code: TVM0027
Educational level: Third-cycle course.
Eligibility requirements: The course is open for students admitted to third-cycle studies at LTU.
Entry requirements:
Advanced fluid dynamics (partial differential equation formulation, Navier-Stokes, boundary layers, etc.). Fundamental programming (e.g. in MATLAB or Python).
Course content:
Introduction to numerical methods, Finite Difference methods, Finite Volume methods, Solutions of numerical equation systems, Methods for unsteady problems, Solutions of the Navier-Stokes equation, Complex geometries, Efficiency and accuracy improvements.
Learning outcomes:
After the course the participants shall be able to:
- Describe in detail how a finite volume CFD method is formulated, discretized and programmed and understand the strengths and weaknesses of the different options that are available
- Make an educated choice of numerical solution methods (linear solvers, time integration, resolution of non-linearities, etc.) and sub models for the problem in question
- Implement different boundary conditions, and explain what the requirements on the solutions are for the boundary conditions to be valid
- Assess the convergence during the solution of complex flow problems
- Estimate the accuracy of the solution to a complex flow problem and use the result to choose an optimum size grid that makes it possible to perform multiple simulations with reasonable accuracy and within a reasonable calendar time.
- Determine the reason for poor convergence or divergence and choose a remedying solution to that problem.
The above learning outcomes imply that this course targets the following national criteria for a doctoral degree, as numbered in Appendix B to the individual study plan: 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.5 and 3.2.
Course methods:
The course consists of an introductory lecture and a series of seminars. The seminars will focus on discussions of a number of home assignments and the theory from the related chapters. Before each seminar one or more of the students will prepare a summary of the material that will be presented during the seminar. All students are expected to be well prepared and to actively participate in the discussion of the material.
All home assignments except the last will be corrected by the students themselves to stimulate discussion among the students. The last home assignment will be corrected by the course leader. Each home assignment will be discussed with the whole group and the course leader in the following seminar. Each home assignment shall be reported as a short technical report. The report should include a proposal for improved definition of the problem that can be used in the next round of the course.
Examination form:
Course examination is based on the home assignments and active participation in the seminars.
Grading scale: Pass/Fail.
Course literature:
Joel H Ferziger, Milovan Peric, Robert L Street, Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics,4th edition, Springer, 2019
Optional supplementary material: Patankar SV, Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Hemisphere Publishing, 1980
Best Practice Guidelines for CFD, ERCOFTAC, 2000
Education cycle:
Study period 4, 2024
Course is given periodically:
Yes, study period 4, 2027
Send application to: Anders Andersson, Doctoral student enter name, civic registration number, e-mail, Division and Department in the application.
Deadline for application:
Course open for application by doctoral students admitted to other universities than LTU:
Limited number of students:
Contact person:
Anders Andersson,, 2065
Professor Staffan Lundström
Course syllabus decided by:
Professor Lars-Göran Westerberg, Head of PhD studies
Date of decision: