With the help of various instructional films, you can learn more about, for example, information retrieval in different databases. Here you will also find films on how to search for books, e-books and articles from the library's home page.
When you use the library's instructional films, you can follow the same steps that the films go through. You can pause or rewind if you think it's going too fast, or if you want to watch an episode again.
Controlled subject headings
Keywords can be difficult to define, but using controlled keywords can find new terms and concepts. Here you will find short instructional films that show how to do it.
Swedish MeSH
Use the Swedish MeSH subject heading to find controlled subject words. Learn more about the hierarchical structure of terms and how you can find narrower and broader terms.
The film is 1:05 minutes long.
SveMed+ find MeSH-terms
You can use the SveMed + database to find MeSH terms for keywords and concepts that can be difficult to find.
The film is 1:04 minutes long.
Short instructional films on how to search the CINAHL medical database. For example, how to build search blocks or filter your search.
CINAHL – basic search
Learn how to do a basic search from CINAHL using various search techniques.
The film is 1:49 minutes long.
CINAHL – advanced search
Under Advanced search you can build advanced search blocks with both controlled subject headings and free text words. The blocks can be built in different ways, here with the help of the search history.
The film is 2:24 minutes long.
CINAHL – filter
In CINAHL you can narrow down the hit list using different filters, for example by language. You can also choose to only search for, for example, RCT studies or systematic reviews.
The film is 0:40 minutes long.
CINAHL – open articles
This film shows you how to open an article in full text, but also how to get more information about the titles in your hit list. For example, author, keywords or DOI number.
The film is 1:11 minutes long.
Here you will find short instructional films on how to search the medical database PubMed. For example, how to build search blocks or filter your search.
PubMed – basic search
Learn how to do a Basic search from PubMed using various search techniques.
The movie is 0:59 minutes long.
PubMed – advanced search
Under "Advanced" in PubMed, you can build advanced search blocks with both controlled subject headings and free text words. The blocks can be built in different ways, here using the search history and PubMed Advanced Search Builder.
The film is 3:51 minutes long.
PubMed – filter
In PubMed, you can narrow down the hit list using different filters, for example by language. You can also choose to only search for, for example, RCT studies or systematic reviews.
The film is 1:38 minutes long.
PubMed – open articles
This film shows you how to open an article in full text, but also how to get more information about the titles in your hit list. For example, author, subject word or DOI number.
The movie is 1:19 minutes long.