Years 1980–1989
The 1980s see the first conferment of doctors’ degrees at the University. Twelve doctor’s degrees are conferred and ten professors are installed. The University also confers its first honorary doctorates on Lars Granar, Gösta Hägglund, Ragnar Lassinantti and Lars Nordström.
- The MSc programme in Structural Engineering begins.
- The first company moves into Aurorum.
- Trelleborg AB donates SEK 10 million to set up a research and development foundation at the University.
- The University gets its first professors in the Fine Arts when Hans-Ola Ericsson is installed as Professor of Organ Music and Jan Sandström as Professor of Composition.
- Erik Höglund becomes the University’s first professor to have received both his MSc and his PhD from Luleå University.
- Two more professorships are established.
- Three Honorary doctorates in technology were appointed in 1989, CEO Rune Andersson, Professor John E Field and Professor Lennart Lübeck.
- The University’s faculty appropriation is raised by 40 percent through the "Norrbotten Package" regional development programme.
- A new investment company is set up to support enterprises that develop out of the University’s research activities. The company is called Norrbottningen AB but changes its name two years later to Rödkallen AB.
- Teknikens hus is inaugurated.
- The University’s first Masters of Science in Industrial Work Environment receive their degrees.
- The University has more first-choice applicants per place for its MSc programmes in engineering than the national average.
- The first students are admitted to the new BEd programme for the Compulsory School for Forms 1–7.
- The Electronics and Computer Technology programme begins in Skellefteå.
- The Advanced Vocational Training programmes are combined to form just two: Structural Engineering and Industrial Engineering.
- The University’s various programmes in Skellefteå are brought together in one department.
- The new Students' Union Building is inaugurated.
- Another new professorship is established.
- The MSc programme in Industrial Engineering and Management is established.
- The teacher training programmes are relocated from the old college premises to the University campus at Porsön.
- Ten more professorships are established.
- The Centek house is inaugurated.
- LKAB makes SEK 5 million available to the University through a fund.
- The Church Music programme starts in Piteå.
- The University’s MSc programmes in engineering are extended from 4 to 4,5 years.
- The Bachelor’s degree is reintroduced.
- Henning Johansson becomes the first professor in Educational Science at the University.
- Skeria (Skellefteå Education and Research for Industrial Applications) is inaugurated.
- Another new professorship is established.
- Three Honorary doctorates in technology were appointed in 1986, CEO Ulf Langefors, CEO Einar Lundström and CEO Sverker Sjöström.
- The University confers its first MSc degrees in Computer Science and Engineering.
- The School of Music moves into its new premises.
- The Aurorum Foundation is set up with the aim of establishing a science park close to the University.
- COLDTECH (The Cold Climate Technology Centre) is established.
- Sofia Hambraeus is the 1,000th student to receive an MSc degree at Luleå University.
- Four more professorships are established.
- The University holds its second conferment of doctor’s degree’s and its third ceremonial installation of professors.
- The Industrial Work Environment study programme is established.
- The Systems Science study programme is established.
- The University Library is expanded to double its size through a newly built wing to the center building.
- The F-building gets a new wing for Work science, Industrial economics, Social construction technology, Social science, and YTH.
- Agreements on exchange of students and researchers are entered between Luleå University and Beijing University of Iron and Steel Technology, Beijing, China. respectively Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, Nancy in France.
- Two technology Honorary doctors are appointed in 1984, Technology Dr. Sten G A Bergman and Envoy Arne S Lundberg.
- On December 14, the University organises the "company party of the century".
- Centek (International Training and Development Centre) is established.
- The Companies’ Centre behind the F-building is inaugurated. One of its pioneers is Erisoft.
- Ren Lixing från Kina becomes the first woman to defend a thesis at the University.
- The Business Administration and Economics programme is given a major reform and extended to 3,5 years.
- Fewer teacher training programmes are offered because the Government fears there will be a surplus of teachers.
- Luleå University is the first in Sweden to install equipment for hot isostatic pressing, which is used for example in ceramics research.
- Luleå University is granted 500,000 SEK to run the FLIT project that aims to attract more women to engineering studies.
- The Civil Engineering programme is established.
- The first MSc degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering are conferred as are the first MEd degrees in music.
- The first Wood science students arrive at Skellefteå.
- The Computer Science programme is established.
- The University signs its first agreement for student and researcher exchanges with a foreign university, with the Colorado School of Mines at Golden in Colorado, U.S.A.
- The University’s first Licentiate degree is conferred on Bengt Stillborg.
- All student places are filled.
- The University confers its first doctor’s degrees. Twelve doctor’s degrees are conferred and ten professors are installed.
- The University also confers its first Honorary doctorates on Lars Granar, Gösta Hägglund, Ragnar Lassinantti, and Lars Nordström.
- The Computer Programming study programme is established.
- Eric Forssberg is elected Dean.
- "Creative Writing" is given as an open University course for everyone living in Norrbotten. The course is given on local radio.
- Two more professorships are established.
