Från vänster till höger: Katarina Hurtig (lärare), Johan Hägglund (lärare), Anton Söderlund (bibliotekarie) och Maria Berglund (lärare).
NYtext I Svenskämnet (NYIS)
Our practice-oriented research is about testing and evaluating new didactic methods to take advantage of students' existing textual competence and use it as a resource in the teaching of Swedish.
Who are we?
We are Anton, Johan, Katarina and Maria who work at Baldergymnasiet in Skellefteå. Together with Technology students in year 1 and with LTU researcher Stefan Lundström, we are working during the academic year 20/21 with the action research-based project NYtext I Svenskämnet (NYIS). To our help, we also have development strategist Andreas Westerberg and principal Ulf Marklund.
Areas for R&D practice-based research
Our practice-oriented research involves testing and evaluating new didactic methods for making use of students' existing textual competence and using it as a resource in the teaching of Swedish. The results contribute with subject didactic perspectives that are currently missing, but for which there is a great demand among teachers.
Purpose of the project
The aim is to explore the students' textual universe and create opportunities for the students' textual experiences to take up more space in the classroom. By making the students' texts part of the school's recognition culture, our hypothesis is that the students' identity as readers is strengthened, which improves the students' goal achievement.
Implementation and documentation
During the project, four modules will be implemented in the classroom. These aim to highlight the students' texts and open their horizons to new texts that they may not have had the opportunity to experience in Swedish lessons before.
Dissemination of results
To disseminate knowledge about how to utilize students' leisure experiences of the text universe in teaching, the project group will carry out the following:
- Presentation at a conference
- Article in research journal and popular science journal.
- Results will be incorporated into the course S0041P, Swedish 5 for high school teachers at Luleå University of Technology in the spring semester 2021.
- Internal communication in the principal's organization, for example at competence development days.
- Presentation at ULF's collaboration meetings