For customers and funders
Here you can find payment and banking information as a customer or financier.
General information
Payments to Luleå University of Technology should be made to different bank accounts depending on the purpose of the payment. Payment within Sweden is made to bankgiro and from abroad it is made to IBAN/bank account. Special rules apply to funds from the European Commission.
When making payments to the university, it is important to provide information about what the payment relates to, such as OCR, invoice or project number so that the payment can be booked to the correct department/unit.
From April 1, 2019, it is a law that all new purchases in the public sector must be invoiced electronically. Sending customer invoices electronically is both efficient and environmentally friendly. Government agencies must send customer invoices electronically via PEPPOL. Other customers can receive an electronic customer invoice or a paper invoice.
If you want an electronic customer invoice, please contact:
Organization number and address
Organization number: 202100-2841
VAT-nr: SE202100284101
Visiting address:
Luleå University of Technology
971 87 Luleå
Phone: 0920-491000
Payments within Sweden
General documents such as exam copies, Service Point: 123 693 7072
General documents such as exam questions, Archive and Registry: 123 441 5428
Interlibrary loan, Library: 123 322 9085
Fundraising, gifts: 123 687 4515
SRT: 123 159 0017
SBN: 123 461 6900
ETKS: 123 435 2894
Payments from abroad
Account number: 1281-01-18582
Bank's address:
Danske Bank
Norrmalmstorg 1
IBAN: SE24 1200 0000 0128 1011 8582
Payment of funds from the European Commission
For payments from the European Commission where the university is the coordinator and a currency account is used, please contact Luleå University of Technology, Accounting and Financial Control:
Reminder and penalty interest
If a fee is not paid by the due date, penalty interest is charged in accordance with the Interest Act from the due date until payment is made. In case of a written reminder, a reminder fee is charged. If payment is not made, the matter is referred to a collection agency.