For suppliers
Here you will find financial information such as invoice management and payment information.
Since April 1, 2019, all purchases in the public sector must be invoiced by e-invoice. E-invoices mean invoices that are issued, sent and received in structured electronic formats. Please note that PDF invoices or scanned paper invoices do not count as e-invoice.
This page provides information on how suppliers can invoice Luleå University of Technology electronically.
Organisation registration number: 202100-2841
VAT-number: SE202100284101
In the first instance, the e-invoice format PEPPOL BIS Billing 3 is recommended to comply with the European standard. Luleå University of Technology can receive invoices via the network PEPPOL. Check with your supplier of financial system or invoicing system if they can send e-invoices via the PEPPOL network. Luleå University of Technology's PEPPOL ID is 0007:2021002841.
Another option is to send electronic invoices via our VAN operator Opus Capita. Our party ID is 2021002841 (EDI number).
Luleå University of Technology does not have a GLN number but instead of GLN, add organisation registration number is 2021002841.
Those who cannot e-invoice
Do you want to send your invoices electronically but do not have the necessary system solution? Then you can use our Supplier Portal provided by Opus Capita, a portal where our suppliers can register their invoices free of charge. After registration, the invoices are automatically sent in the correct e-format to Luleå University of Technology.
Invoice reference
- The invoice must always be marked with the buyer´s reference: the buyer´s five- to nine-digit project number consecutively without spaces.
- The invoice reference must be entered in the field "Your reference" (buyer reference, reference 1 or equivalent) on the invoice. Buyer's name must appear in another optional field.
- If the University’s order number is entered when ordering (starting with 23xxxxxx), it should be entered in the field called "Customer's order number" on the invoice.
Tags references, PEPPOL
For PEPPOL invoice the following tags must be used to get the references in the correct field:
Order reference:
<OrderReference><cbc:ID>Order number</cbc:ID></cac:OrderReference>
Tags references for EDI via van supplier
The following tags must be used to get the references in the correct field:
Order row reference:
<cac:InvoiceLine><cac:OrderLineReference><cac:OrderReference><cac:BuyersID>Order number</cac:BuyersID>
Invoicing requirements
- Payment 30 days net
- Invoicing, handling and other charges are not accepted.
- Consolidated invoices are not accepted
Invoicing address
Please note! All invoices must be sent electronically to the university, but in your register add following billing address:
Luleå University of Technology
Box 7020 831 07
Östersund, Sweden
Electronic commerce
Luleå University of Technology has the opportunity to send electronic orders to contract suppliers. The formats the university supports are Peppolorder, Sveorder, PDF-order and also orders via the Supplier Portal provided by Opus Capita.
Are you a contract supplier to Luleå University of Technology and want to receive your orders electronically or have questions regarding electronic commerce? Please contact
Foreign company performing work in Sweden
As of January 1, 2021, there are new rules for foreign companies that have employees in Sweden, or receive compensation for work in Sweden.
Requirements for F-tax registration
- From January 1, 2021, Swedish payers will be required to withhold tax (30%) on all remuneration for work performed in Sweden, if the recipient is not registered for F-tax in Sweden.
- Luleå University of Technology requires that foreign companies that perform and continue to perform work for the university, immediately register for F-tax.
Invoice requirements
- Information that F-tax registration in Sweden exists. Example: "Registered for F-tax in Sweden".
- The registration number linked to the F-tax registration in Sweden is stated.
- A detailed account of the work carried out, including information on what work was carried out, the number of hours spent, the date of execution and the cost of the hours worked.
- A detailed account of materials/goods included in the invoiced amount is provided.
Consequence if F-tax registration does not exist
- If information regarding F-tax registration is missing or if there is no F-tax registration in Sweden, Luleå University of Technology will be obliged to make tax deductions on remuneration for work performed in Sweden. Full payment of the invoice will therefore not be made at the time of payment. This can be avoided by registering your company for F-tax.
- See the Swedish Tax Agency's website for further information and how to register your business in Sweden:
Contact us
Supplier invoices, electronic orders and e-commerce
0920-49 10 00