Archives and registry
Disclosure of public documents
Another important task is to satisfy the public's right of access to public documents. If you have such a request, it should be sent to the registrar.
LTU follows the fee regulation, which means that the release of public documents up to 9 pages is free. If the content is without personal data, such a request can be sent digitally.
However, if the order exceeds 9 pages, a fee must be charged according to the Fee Ordinance (1992:191). This means that the 10th page of your order will have a fee of SEK 50 and thereafter SEK 2 per page. Payment is made by swish to 1234415428 or by invoice.
Telephone visiting hours:
0920-493369 weekdays between 10.00-12.00.
Entrance Regnbågsallén port 8 or 10 B-house room B191
Changed opening hours:
Documents to the registrar can also be left in the mailbox at the Service Point entrance B10 or sent to the Registrar, Luleå University of Technology, 97187 Luleå