Luleå University of Technology in Piteå
Department of Economics, Technology, Arts and Society
0911-726 00
Visiting address
Kunskapsallén 12
Postal address
Box 744, 941 63 Piteå.
Freight address
Kunskapsallén 12, 941 63 Piteå
Visit campus Piteå
Parking on the university campus in Piteå
The property owner Piteå Näringsfastigheter AB, PNF, is responsible for short-term parking. Read more on their website about the fees that apply.
Both staff and students in Piteå have the opportunity during the winter season, 15/10-15/4, to either buy a season pass to park in a parking lot with engine heaters.
Season pass
Staff and students who wish to buy a season pass for engine heaters in Piteå must submit an application via email to Hanne.Karin.Dokken@ltu.se. Payment of the season ticket can be made from October 15 at the earliest and it is done via the Parkster app and by entering zone code 1242.
The season ticket for engine heaters in Piteå costs 2 000:- incl. VAT.