General syllabi for discontinued research subjects
Humanities and Social Sciences
Audio Technology - decommissioned
Audio Technology is the study of the processes and methods of sound recording, production and reproduction from technological as well as artistic perspectives. The scientific foundation of the discipline is complemented with creative considerations and established practice. Central to this subject is the analysis of these processes and methods and their influence on different aspects of sound quality.
Admission to third-cycle studies in Audio Technology ceased 2020-12-31 (LTU-4092-2020).
- Audio Technology
Pdf, 87.4 kB, opens in new window.(.pdf)
Pdf, 73 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2016-02-10 - Audio Technology
Pdf, 128.1 kB, opens in new window. (.pdf)
Pdf, 65 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Computer and Systems Science - decommissioned
Computer and Systems Science is a broad methodological and technical subject covering the design and development of IT systems in different types of organizations and interactive environments. Key areas are information security and long-term digital preservation.
Admission to third-cycle studies in Computer and Systems Science ceased 2014-04-01. The subject Information Systems replaces Computer and Systems Science (LTU-269-2014).
- Computer and Systems Science (.pdf)
Pdf, 144.7 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Electronic Commerce - decommissioned
Electronic Commerce focuses on the transformation of marketplaces, the restructuring of business processes and a management approach to electronic commerce. The research topic includes concepts such as the buying process, the selling process and the exchange of services and information via computer networks such as the Internet, intranets and extranets.
Admission to third-cycle studies in Electronic Commerce ceased 2012-09-18 (LTU-1040-2012).
- Electronic Commerce (.pdf)
Pdf, 129.9 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Gender and Technology - decommissioned
Gender and Technology includes studies of people, technology and organization in working life from a gender perspective.
Admission to third-cycle studies in Gender and Technology ceased 2018-05-01 (LTU-3598-2017).
- Gender and Technology (.pdf)
Pdf, 191.3 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2017-02-13. - Gender and Technology (.pdf)
Pdf, 93.9 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2016-02-11. - Gender and Technology (.pdf)
Pdf, 160.8 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Health Sciences - decommissioned
Health Sciences is an interdisciplinary field focusing on humans in healthy states, when ill and when having special needs, as well as health and well-being. Health sciences includes the study of processes, methods, diagnoses and treatments that relieve symptoms, provide support and improve, or are otherwise designed to influence people as individuals in cooperation with others and in relation to their surroundings and society.
Admission to third-cycle studies in Heath Sciences ceased 2020-01-01 (LTU-4787-2019).
- Health Sciences (.pdf)
Pdf, 139.2 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2008-09-11.
Mathematics Education - decommissioned
Mathematics Education investigates practices relating to education, learning and mathematics in and outside schools. The purpose of the research is to create a scientific basis for developing and strengthening the teaching of mathematics in different types of schools and institutions. Mathematics Education is a multidisciplinary research area, which has its foundation in mathematics, benefiting from a wide range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences and is closely related to educational research in the natural sciences and technology.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2023-09-01. The subject area is integrated within the new research subject Mathematics and Science Education (LTU-2384-2023).
- Mathematics Education (.pdf)
Pdf, 123.1 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2018-04-24 - Mathematics Education (.pdf)
Pdf, 148.4 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01
Media and Communication Science - decommissioned
Media and Communication Science has, in addition to the subject’s traditional overarching perspective from the social sciences and humanities, a clear focus on media production where traditional and new media are studied both on a theoretical basis and as practical manifestations of media content.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2021-01-01 (LTU-4094-2020).
- Media and Communication Science (.pdf)
Pdf, 69.8 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Music Education - decommissioned
Music Education as a science studies all forms of music teaching and learning including the frameworks, prerequisites, traditions and conditions that influence the situations where music constitutes the content of the various learning processes. Problems are thus dealt with in contexts where music is or has been an element in upbringing, education, teaching or any other influence in some cultural and societal situation. Music education as a field of research is interdisciplinary by nature and uses theories and methods from for example education, psychology, sociology, philosophy and musicology in order to understand and explain phenomena in music education.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2019-05-28 (LTU-1866-2019).
- Music Education (.pdf)
Pdf, 100 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2016-02-10 - Music Education (.pdf)
Pdf, 167.5 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2013-01-16 - Music Education (.pdf)
Pdf, 140.4 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01
Philosophy - decommissioned
Philosophy is the study of the more or less conscious assumptions we make when we reason, make value judgements, and draw conclusions in different areas. By focusing on very basic issues, philosophy can form meaningful interfaces with social sciences, the arts, and technology. Of philosophy’s many sub-disciplines ethics, philosophy of science and philosophy of education are emphasises.
Admission to third-cycle studies in Philosophy ceased 2019-01-01 (LTU-584-2018).
- Philosophy
Pdf, 187.2 kB, opens in new window.(.pdf)
Pdf, 187.2 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Social Informatics - decommissioned
Social Informatics is an interdisciplinary subject that studies the relation between information and communication technology (ICT) and people, organisations, and society The subject focuses on service development in relation to technical platforms and emphasise the importance of participation of different stakeholders. Central areas for the subject are design processes, use situations, and open innovation.
Admission to third-cycle studies in Social Informatics ceased 2014-04-01. The subject Information Systems replaces Social Informatics (LTU-269-2014).
- Social Informatics (.pdf)
Pdf, 122.9 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Teaching and Learning - decommissioned
Teaching and Learning as a scientific field focuses on the way people change their understanding of the world around them and their actions based on their experiences. Research on learning takes place in relation to content - such as science, technology, culture or aesthetics; actors - such as teachers, pupils or students; contexts in which learning takes place. Research can also touch or be influenced by their interrelationship. Research on learning is justified as a separate subject because it constitutes an important scientific basis for teacher education.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2011-01-01. The subject area is integrated within the new research subject Education (LTU-156-2009).
- Teaching and Learning (.pdf)
Pdf, 135.6 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Technical field of science (discontinued)
Applied Geology - decommissioned
Applied Geology is concerned with geochemical studies into how the chemical elements flow or become fixed in the environment, depending on physiochemical factors, and has a particular focus on processes which prevent or decrease the environmental effects of mining
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2015-12-10.
- Applied Geology (.pdf)
Pdf, 144 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Applied Geophysics - decommissioned
Applied Geophysics is a subject based on the laws and methods of physics, which in combination with geological information can be used in many different applications. Research in the subject includes both basic and applied research. Basic research includes paleomagnetism, plate tectonics, the physical properties of rock species and determination of geological structures. Applied research comprises environmental and engineering applications, including the detection of pollution in soil and water, preliminary surveys when planning tunnels, roads and buildings, and prospecting.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2011-03-22.
- Applied Geophysics (.pdf)
Pdf, 148.3 kB, opens in new window.
General study plan valid from 2007-07-01.
Biochemical and Chemical Engineering - decommissioned
Research focuses on the development of biochemical and chemical processes for the production and refinement of chemicals, fuels and material from biomass.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2014-03-25.
- Biochemical and Chemical Engineering (.pdf)
Pdf, 158.5 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Biomedical Engineering -decommissioned
Biomedical Engineering includes development of technologies and their use to detect, prevent, monitor, treat or limit injury and illness while promoting health and well-being.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2024-12-31 (LTU-3182-2024)
- Biomedical Engineering (.pdf)
Pdf, 115.6 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2023-05-23.
Computer Aided Design - decommissioned
The research subject Computer Aided Design (CAD) encompasses, for engineering systems, simulation-driven product development, modelling and simulation, product development methodology and product information management. Models, methods and tools for developing hardware as well as the associated support systems are important for the research subject.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2020-02-01.
- Computer Aided Design (.pdf)
Pdf, 97.9 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2018-12-18. - Computer Aided Design (.pdf)
Pdf, 159.5 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Computer Networking - decommissioned
The Computer Networking research area deals with the design, development and analysis of network-based communicating systems. Subjects studied include network architecture, routing, operating systems, program design, algorithms, data structures, performance analysis and simulation.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2011-01-01.
- Computer Networking (.pdf)
Pdf, 167.1 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Computer Science - decommissioned
Education at post-graduate level in Computer Science focuses on the design, development and analysis of efficient algorithms and software for complex computer-based systems. Central elements are algorithms and data structures for computational problems and algorithms that can be applied in networks, software applications and software development methods.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2011-01-01.
- Computer Science (.pdf)
Pdf, 149.6 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01
Construction Engineering and Management - decommissioned
Construction Engineering and Management comprises the tools, methods and organisation involved in the planning, information management and control of an integrated, industrialized construction process.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2018-01-01 (LTU-3232-2017).
- Construction Engineering and Management (.pdf)
Pdf, 164.6 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Construction Management and Building Technologies
Construction Management and Building Technology comprises of technical solutions, tools, methods and organising for the planning, information management and control of sustainable and integrated industrialised construction and business processes.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2025-02-01 (LTU-4592-2024).
- Construction Management and Building Technology (.pdf)
External link.
General syllabus adopted 2018-03-01
Embedded systems - decommissioned
Embedded Systems focuses on the methodologies and tools relating to the design of hardware and software in embedded communicating real-time systems.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2018-07-01 (LTU-205-2018).
- Embedded Systems (.pdf)
Pdf, 80.4 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Engineering Materials - decommissioned
In its modern form Engineering Materials is an area of research that in interaction with other closely related areas constitutes the basis for production and determination of the structure, properties and function of advanced materials and mechanical components of today and tomorrow. The subject involves studying and describing the mechanisms that control the synthesis methods, structure development and resulting properties in technically relevant materials. The methods used are experimental, analytical and numerical.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2011-03-29.
- Engineering Materials (.pdf)
Pdf, 157 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Engineering Psychology - decommissioned
Engineering psychology is about systematically exploring people's thoughts, feelings and behaviours in technical environments and complex systems with primarily applied experimental methodology. The research topic includes theories and principles of human abilities that relate to cognition, behaviour and the functioning of the brain.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2022-10-31.
- Engineering Psychology (.pdf)
Pdf, 553.6 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2020-03-24 - Engineering Psychology (.pdf)
Pdf, 100.9 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2018-05-31 - Engineering Psychology (.pdf)
Pdf, 161.5 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2015-01-15 - Engineering Psychology (.pdf)
Pdf, 152.8 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Exploration Geophysics - decommissioned
Exploration Geophysics is a subject based on the laws and methods of physics, which in combination with geological information can be used to locate natural resources such as mineral deposits, hydrocarbon and water. The focus of research is on the development of geophysical methods for exploration of mineral deposits.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2022-12-31.
- Exploration Geophysics (.pdf)
Pdf, 165.8 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2014-02-01.
Functional Product Development - decommissioned
The research subject Functional Product Development comprises first and foremost concept development where the development of hardware components and services meet in a globally distributed business driven process. The subject aims to increase knowledge of computer support for innovative development of functional products through analysis of function, product structure and product support design, and service offering in a life-cycle perspective. A knowledge-based information-driven and simulation driven approach is central to the subject.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2012-09-25.
- Functional Product Development (.pdf)
Pdf, 164.6 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
History of Technology - decommissioned
History of Technology is concerned with the interplay between the technological, economic and social changes throughout history; both how technology has impacted on humans and society and how humans have influenced the development of technology. The research is specifically oriented to examine the interface between natural resources, humans and the environment.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2016-09-30.
- History of Technology (.pdf)
Pdf, 174 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Industrial Design - decommissioned
Industrial Design includes theories and methods for design of products, services and communication based on physiological, social and cultural conditions
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2021-12-30.
- Industrial Design (.pdf)
Pdf, 103.4 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2018-11-20. - Industrial Design (.pdf)
Pdf, 167.6 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2015-01-15. - Industrial Design (.pdf)
Pdf, 155.9 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Industrial Electronics - decommissioned
Industrial Electronics is concerned with the instrumentation and signal processing involved in technical processes, and the governance and automatic control of these. Particular attention is placed on embedded systems as system components.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2019-05-06.
- Industrial Electronics (.pdf)
Pdf, 146.1 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Industrial Environmental Management - decommissioned
Industrial Environmental Management comprises the principles, methods and tools for the management of industrial organisations' work relating to sustainable development. The environmental dimension is of particular importance; however, the economic, ethical and social dimensions are also addressed.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2016-11-28.
- Industrial Environmental Management (.pdf)
Pdf, 172.6 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Industrial Logistics - decommissioned
Industrial logistics covers processing flows and their management. Production planning, transportation planning, inventory management and efficiency analysis are the main focuses. The subject includes the study of production and management of products. Its theories and methods are also applicable to services.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2018-07-01.
- Industrial Logistics (.pdf)
Pdf, 94.8 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2015-02-12. - Industrial Logistics (.pdf)
Pdf, 153.9 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Industrial Organisation - decommissioned
Education in Industrial Organisation focuses on different aspects of management and organisation of companies that are exposed to competition. The subject includes development and management at different levels and in different functions within and between companies. Industrial Organisation at Luleå University of Technology has a primary focus on the innovation management of innovation and the management of technology.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2011-03-22.
General syllabus from February 12, 2015
- Industrial Organisation (.pdf)
Pdf, 149.2 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Industrial Work Environment - decommissioned
Education at post-graduate level in Industrial Work Environment comprises work environment planning, workplace design, work organisation, learning, sociology and gender.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2017-08-01.
- Industrial Work Environment (.pdf)
Pdf, 167.3 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Landscape Ecology - decommissioned
Landscape ecology is the study of the structure, function and change in heterogeneous environments composed of interacting ecosystems. Typical processes to be studied include the distribution and flow of energy, materials and organisms. As a scientific discipline, landscape ecology combines ecology, geosciences and social sciences.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2015-12-01.
- Landscape Ecology (.pdf)
Pdf, 121.7 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2010-03-03.
Man Machine Relation Focusing Gender - decommissioned
Education at post-graduate level in Man Machine Relation focusing Gender comprises gender research in the academic field that involves studies of interactions between people and machines as they are constituted societally, historically, culturally and materially.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2012-05-16.
- Man Machine Relation Focusing Gender (.pdf)
Pdf, 152.7 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Material Mechanics - decommissioned
Material Mechanics focuses on the development of models for both the evolution of microstructures in, and the related thermomechanical properties of metals, which are applicable in simulations, particularly of technical processes.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2020-01-01.
- Material Mechanics (.pdf)
Pdf, 86 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2016-02-11. - Material Mechanics (.pdf)
Pdf, 146.2 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Mathematical Statistics with Special Emphasis on Industrial Statistics - decommissioned
Mathematical statistics comprises probability theory and statistics, i.e. studies of mathematical models of stochastic processes as well as analysis of data from random phenomena and applications of these. The subject area has many connections with applied research, not least within the technological sciences.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2011-03-22.
- Mathematical Statistics (.pdf)
Pdf, 163.3 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Mathematics - decommissioned
Mathematics is a general science where e.g. abstract quantities, structures and patterns are used to describe and analyse phenomena and processes within a multitude of areas. Our focus is mathematical analysis with emphasis on studies of problems arising in the interfaces between mathematics and technological sciences.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2020-03-01.
- Mathematics (.pdf)
Pdf, 169.1 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Media Technology - decommissioned
Education at post-graduate level in Media Technology focuses on studies and application of storage, distribution, production and presentation of both real-time media and non-real-time media. Storage comprises efficient media coding, indexing and access. Distribution deals with how media are transported over networks efficiently and scalably. Production deals with how media are created, first and foremost in real-time situations. Presentation covers how different types of media are presented to the consumer.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2011-01-01.
- Media Technology (.pdf)
Pdf, 149.2 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Mobile Systems - decommissioned
Third-cycle education in Mobile Systems includes the study of devices and network solutions that enable the mobility of computer systems and users. Furthermore, it deals with the services and applications for mobile applications and also monitoring solutions for mobile systems.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2011-01-01.
- Mobile Systems (.pdf)
Pdf, 123.8 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2008-05-26
Medical Technology for Health Care -decommissioned
The field of Medical Technology in Health Care focuses on the use of information technology with appropriate sensor and system technology for use in care and social care for people with illnesses and/or disabilities and with a focus on care and nursing. The applications may comprise improved rehabilitation, habilitation, early discharge from hospital, better monitoring of patients outside hospital, and detection and warning of possible medical problems.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2013-05-28.
- Medical Technology for Health Care (.pdf)
Pdf, 162.1 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Physical Chemistry - decommissioned
The Physical Chemistry subject area is principally characterised by the areas of
thermodynamics, quantum chemistry and the chemical bond and spectroscopy, chemical
kinetics, reaction mechanisms and molecular dynamics, and colloid chemistry. The subject shall
give basic theories, principles and knowledge about different spectroscopic methods that are
often used to explain experimental observations in other areas of chemistry and their
application in studies of inorganic and organic molecules and biomolecules. The Physical
Chemistry research subject chiefly comprises the development and use of spectroscopic
methods for the analysis of structures in different organic, inorganic and composite materials at
molecular level.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2012-09-18.
- Physical Chemistry (.pdf)
Pdf, 170.6 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01
Physics - decommissioned
Education at post-graduate level in Physics may be carried on in most of the subject’s subfields. The research can be roughly divided into two specialities: “space” and “materials”. In the “space” speciality the emphasis is on theoretical astrophysics with subprojects in theoretical particle physics and quantum physics. On the “materials” side, research is primarily carried on in carbon-based materials and biophysically interesting materials and objects of nanometre size. The research is conducted using advanced measuring and analysis instruments. On the theoretical side, the materials research consists of studies and simulations of the properties of solid materials, for example superconductivity, metals and magnetic phenomena.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2011-04-12.
- Physics (.pdf)
Pdf, 164 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Polymeric Composite Materials - decommissioned
Polymeric Composite Materials is a research area comprising the study of processes and mechanisms that influence the performance and properties of advanced polymeric composites, as well as the know-how regarding their manufacturing techniques.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2018-01-01.
- Polymeric Composite Materials (.pdf)
Pdf, 160.7 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Quality Technology - decommissioned
The scientific discipline of quality technology includes principles, ways of working, and tools for customer and sustainability driven development of products and processes. The research subject has an industrial basis, but with applications also in other sectors.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2019-05-01.
- Quality Technology (.pdf)
Pdf, 137.5 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2014-04-24 - Quality Technology (.pdf)
Pdf, 158.4 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-01-01. Please note that there is also a revised version of this general syllabus adopted from 2011-02-16, but it is only available in Swedish.
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering - decommissioned
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering is concerned with the mechanical and physical properties and behaviour of rock and rock masses, the calculation of the safe dimensions for rock constructions, and also blasting technology, fragmentation, tunnelling, mining, and the maintenance of rock constructions.
As of 2014-06-17 the research subject has changed name to Mining and Rock Engineering (LTU-314-2014).
- Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (.pdf)
Pdf, 181.2 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Scientific Computing - decommissioned
Scientific Computing comprises the use of algorithms and numerical methods to solve and analyse challenging computational problems. One important area is the use of high performance computing.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2016-09-30.
- Scientific Computing (.pdf)
Pdf, 157 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Space Technology - decommissioned
Space Technology comprises research about space and planets using satellites, rockets, balloons, and ground-based instruments. Special focus is placed upon remote sensing of the Earth's atmosphere with satellite instruments.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2014-11-25.
- Space Technology (.pdf)
Pdf, 174.8 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Steel Structures - decommissioned
Steel structures is concerned with the innovative design of steel, and also composite, structures as well as their structural engineering, and contributes to the continual improvement of standards and regulations.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2019-01-24.
- Steel Structures (.pdf)
Pdf, 138.8 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Structural Engineering - decommissioned
Structural Engineering includes design, construction, condition assessment, maintenance, repair and strengthening of structures with focus on concrete, its properties and interaction with other materials.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2019-01-24.
- Structural Engineering (.pdf)
Pdf, 139.5 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Timber Structures - decommissioned
Timber Structures is directed towards the development of industrialized construction, with the focus on timber, and includes structural and production engineering as well as construction and business processes.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2018-01-01.
- Timber Structures (.pdf)
Pdf, 141.3 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Traffic Engineering - decommissioned
Traffic Engineering comprises the planning, operation, maintenance and renewal of the technical infrastructure incorporated in traffic and transport systems. The primary focus is on land transport.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2015-12-10.
- Traffic Engineering (.pdf)
Pdf, 145.7 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Water Resources Engineering - decommissioned
Water Resources Engineering comprises technical hydrology and hydraulics. The research relates specifically to the conditions in regions with a cold climate.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2017-06-19.
- Water Resources Engineering (.pdf)
Pdf, 157.4 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
- Water Resources Engineering (.pdf)
Wood Physics - decommissioned
Wood Physics comprises characterization, determination of properties and modification of solid wood and wood based materials. This includes properties and responses to industrial processes such as drying, impregnation, thermal and chemical modification. Process development and process control strategies for drying and thermal modification is therefore included in the subject.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2015-03-01.
- Wood physics (.pdf)
Pdf, 141.1 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2007-07-01.
Wood Products Engineering - decommissioned
Wood Products Engineering includes the research and development of wood products in a virtual, empirically verified model system, where the end user's product requirements are integrated with material properties and manufacturing processes.
Admission to third-cycle studies ceased 2015-03-01.
- Wood Products Engineering (.pdf)
Pdf, 132.5 kB, opens in new window.
General syllabus adopted 2011-06-07.