HLT0001 Quantitative research methodology in health sciences ECTS / HP: 5.0
Course name:
Quantitative research methodology in health sciences
Swedish name: Quantitative research methodology in health sciences)
ECTS / HP: 5.0
Course code: HLT0001 Educational level: third-cycle course
Entry requirements:
General entry requirements for the doctoral level. Admitted to doctoral studies at LTU in subject SCB-coded under Medical and Health Sciences (3) or Medical Engineering (206), Recommended prior knowledge is familiarity with basic scientific theoretical concepts, methods of quantitative data collection, descriptive analyses, measurement scale levels, and introduced to methods of analysing statistical inference.
Course content:
With the aim of preparing for addressing research with quantitative designs and methodology, the course will include the following contents:
- Design and sampling perspectives
- Sample distribution and statistical power
- Methods for analysing statistical inference using more than two sets of measurements
- Basic epidemiologic concepts
- Classical measurement theory concepts
- Gender aspects on design and analysis
Learning outcomes:
After completed course the student is expected to be able to:
- Apply and argue for quantitative research designs and common uni-, bi- and simpler multivariate statistical methods relevant to health science research
- Discuss gender equality aspects of data collection and analysis
- Design, discuss and justify a quantitative data collection and analysis relevant to own
- research study plan.
The learning outcomes address the following outcomes in the Higher Education Ordinance, Annex 2:
- demonstrate familiarity with research methodology in general and the methods of the specific field of research in particular.
- demonstrate the capacity for scholarly analysis and synthesis as well as review and assess new and complex phenomena, issues and situations autonomously and critically
- Course methods:
The course will start with a rehearsal task. Students' learning is based on course literature, specific study tasks and exercises, seminar discussions and statistical labs. This is supported by introductory lessons and recorded material. Access to a laptop computer and the software
IBM SPSS Statistics is necessary. Details will be presented in a study guide provided on admission to the course.
Examination form:
The course will be examined through written assignments and seminars (outcomes 1-2) and trough a written data collection and analysis plan related to own research plan (outcome 3). Details will be presented in study plan.
Grading scale: Pass / Fail
Course literature:
- Carter, R., & Lubinsky, J. (2015). Rehabilitation research: principles and applications.
Elsevier Health Sciences or equivalent - A selection of articles and recorded material will be available.
Education cycle:
SP 2, 2019
Course given periodically:
Yes, next time planned for SP 2 2020
Send application to:
Professor Lars Nyberg: lars.nyberg@ltu.se.
Doctoral student:
enter name, civic registration number, email, Division and Department in the application.
Deadline for application:
No later than Nov 1, 2019
Limited number of students: Yes, 20 students
If the course is allocated resources via department resource allocation, the course is free of charge for doctoral students admitted to LTU HLV.
Contact person:
Professor Lars Nyberg: lars.nyberg@ltu.se.
Course syllabus decided by:
Professor Lars Nyberg (PLNY)Head of the Department of Health Sciences Date of decision: 2019-11-12