Philosophy of Science 7,5 credits FOR042F
Course name: Philosophy of Science (Vetenskapsteori)
Credits: 7.5
Course code: FOR042F
Education level: Third-cycle
Syllabus established: Gunilla Isaksson
Examiner: Ylva Backman
Entry requirements: Enrolled in postgraduate studies
Course aims: The student shall
- be able to reflect systematically on his or her own field of research from the perspective of the philosophy of science,
- be aware of some general methodological issues and be able to relate them to his or her own field of research,
- be able to problematize his or her own field of research from the perspective of the philosophy of science,
- be acquainted with some basic issues and concepts in the philosophy of science, and be able to relate these to his or her own field of research,
- be acquainted with some general questions in feminist epistemology and philosophy of science, and be able to apply a gender perspective to science and research.
Contents: Questions about the concept of science, scientific method, the testing of hypotheses, the concept of explanation, etc. are treated in lectures and seminars.
- What science is and ought to be. Scientific method. Feminist epistemology and philosophy of science. Theory of definitions.
- Scientific hypotheses. Induction and the problem of induction. The hypothetico-deductive method. Natural science versus science of engineering, social and human sciences.
- Scientific explanation.
- Meaning, interpretation and understanding.
- Objectivity. Interpretation and hermeneutics.
Realization: Lectures and seminars. The course is examined partly through active participation in seminars, partly through an oral presentation of an original text during one of the seminars, and through the writing of a shorter essay.
Examination: Participation in seminars, oral presentation, and essay. In case the student is not based on campus Luleå, he or she may participate remotely through e.g. Zoom.
Grade scale: U G
Backman, Y., Gardelli, T., Gardelli, V. & Persson, A. (2012). Vetenskapliga tankeverktyg. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Chalmers, A. F. (2013). What is this thing called Science?. 4th edition. Maidenhead: Open University Press/McGraw-Hill Education.
Hansson, S. O. (2007). The Art of Doing Science. Department of Philosophy and the History of Technology, KTH.
Compendia containing original texts (electronically distributed).
Course time 2025: Study period 4 Spring 2025
Send application to: State name, social security number (personnummer), mail address and department in the application.
Last application date 2025: 3 March 2025
Contact: Viktor Gardelli; Ylva Backman