Writing a literature review 2.0 HP FOR052F
Course name: Writing a literature review
ECTS/HP: 2.0 hp
Course code: FOR052F
Educational level: Third-cycle course
Eligibility requirements: The course is open for students admitted to third-cycle studies at LTU.
Course content:
This is a course designed for PhD candidates who are in the early stages of their doctoral education and are starting to work on the literature reviews of their theses and journal articles. This course will enable course participants to understand and undertake a systematic literature review. It covers approaches to searching the literature, sorting, organizing and assessing sources they find. First, types and uses of sources will be covered, as well as the degree to which each holds academic authority. The initial search process will be reviewed in terms of how it informs the end structure of the literature review itself.
Second, the course covers different reading strategies after literature selection, as well as how key sources may be discerned and then used further in secondary depth searches. Reading strategies are also designed to serve a function in the final structure of the literature review itself. Active reading processes are included in order to integrate sources and find gaps.
The third, and final, component is the writing and presentation of the literature review. This covers planning, macro-analysis and micro-analysis of sources, structure and writing. The different strategies and structures needed between thesis long form literature reviews and journal article short form will be reviewed.
Learning outcomes:
After completing this course, students should be able to:
- Understand and apply different types of literature reviews
- Perform critical reading of the research writing of others
- Understand the authority and uses of different literary sources
- Understand and make use of different database sources
- Undertake effective search and identification of relevant literature in a systemic manner
- Understand and make use of different methods and tools for organizing and analysing the collected literature
- Review and select the most appropriate way to present the findings
The above learning outcomes implies that this course targets the following national criterium for a doctoral degree, as numbered in Appendix B to the individual study plan: 1.1; 2.1; 2.4; 3.1; 3.2.
Course methods:
The course builds on seminars, self-study and one individual assignment. The course will alternate between information based seminars and feedback workshops.
Examination form:
Written individual assignment where the student has identified a core set of articles from which to create a synthesis of literature on their main research theme.
Grading scale: Pass/Fail.
Course literature:
Wray, A., & Wallace, M. (2021). Critical Reading and Writing for Postgraduates. SAGE: Chicago
Education cycle:
Study period 1-2, 2024
Course is given periodically:
Yes, next time is planned 2026
Send application to: etks-foutb@ltu.se
Doctoral student enter: name, civic registration number, e-mail, Division and Department in the application.
Deadline for application:
Course open for application by doctoral students admitted to other universities than LTU:
Limited number of students:
The course is free of charge for doctoral students admitted at LTU.
Contact person:
Kerry Chipp (kerry.chipp@ltu.se); Helena Ranängen (helena.ranangen@ltu.se)
Associate Professor Helena Ranängen
Course syllabus decided by:
Helena Ranängen
Date of decision: