Computer labs at LTU
At LTU there are a number of computer labs at several of our campus sites that students have access to. In addition, there are also cloud based computer labs, specialty physics computer labs, electronics labs, project rooms and more which you may get access to depending on what courses you're attending.
Web course for efficient use of LTU:s computer labs
Before you begin using the computer labs at LTU we recommend you taking part in a one hour web course which contains, among other things, valuable links that will get you started with our computer lab environment quickly and effectively. Start the web course External link, opens in new window.
Find the computer labs
Public computer labs are open for all students while those connected to a department requires special access to your LTU-card.
Public computer labs at campus Luleå: A107, A1120, A3011, A3012, A3017, A3019, E531, E532, E535, F441a och F445.
Software in the computer labs
Based on the course needs, the departments decide which software is to be installed in the computer rooms. All computer rooms have basic programs such as Office, programs for people with disabilities, etc. Citrix Workspace is installed in all computer computer rooms so that it is also possible to use all applications that are installed in the cloud computer room.
Before each quarter, the offer in the computer rooms is changed if necessary. The changes are normally completed two weeks before the quarter.
A list of which software is locally installed in the various halls can be found here.
Search software in the computer labs External link, opens in new window.
For cloud computer labs, log in to Citrix Workspace to see what software is installed.
Storage in the computer labs
When working with your files in the computer labs, it is important to consider where you store them as there are differences in both performance and availability.

LTU has two types of computer rooms located in two different locations:
Cloud based computer labs- Cloud, within Europe
Local computer labs- on each Campus, e.g. Luleå, Kiruna, Piteå or Skellefteå
Since the different file storage areas are also located in different places, you might experience performance issues if you use one type storage in the cloud based computer labs and some storage locations cannot be reached from a local computer lab.
Remember that you're not allowed to store personal information in conjunction with course work, speak with your teacher if you are unsure.
In the local computer labs, on campus
- The home drive H: and the Course drive K: - Can be accessed from both the cloud-based labs and the local computer labs. This is where we recommend that you store your information when you work in the local computer labs.
- Onedrive - - Here all students have a larger storage space, the files are in the cloud and are available anywhere, even from your own computer at home.
However, there is no Onedrive client in the local computer labs, the files are only available via the web interface at link. where you can download them to the home drive or the computer you are sitting at. Don't forget to upload the files to OneDrive again when you are done!
In the cloud based computer labs
- The home directory H: and the Course folder K: - Can be reached from the cloud-based halls, but there will be some delays, some software runs very slowly or crashes if the files are stored here.
- Onedrive - - All students have a large storage space here, the files are in the cloud and are available anywhere, even from your own computer at home.
Since both the data and the cloud computer you work in are in the same place, the performance is good. However, it is important that you make sure that the files you have worked with have been transferred to the cloud before you log out. If you look where the file is stored in OneDrive, it should have a green check mark next to it if it has finished uploading.
To ensure that the files have been uploaded to OneDrive, when you have finished working with the file or folder, you can right-click on it and select Free up space, then wait until the file has been uploaded, the icon next to the file will then be a cloud. - Common G: - Fast cloud storage specifically for the cloud computer rooms, the user who creates a folder here automatically gets access to it, and can then share the folder to other users if necessary. Suitable for project work in the cloud based computer labs where you need fast access to the files. As space is limited, the project should be archived to OneDrive when the project is completed.
- Desktop and Documents - Unlike in the local halls, Desktop and Documents are not part of your home directory in the cloud halls, files you save here can therefore not be accessed from the local halls. We therefore recommend your home drive H: or OneDrive instead.
Cloud based computer labs
The cloud based computer labs is a cloud service to enable use of software and apps, either from a computer labs on a LTU campus or from your own computer. Cloud based computer labs are usable for teachers and students attending courses where a teacher has ordered access.
If you are using your own computer and this is your first time connecting to the cloud service, download and install the Citrix Workspace App External link, opens in new window.
To connect to the cloud based computer labs you need to login at External link, opens in new window.
Log in with your email address at LTU and your LTU password.
If you have installed the Citrix workspace app, it will start and run the computer lab environment, along with any software. Note that startup can take a while.
When you are finished and want to log out
Make sure that your OneDrive files are synced with the cloud before logging out, this is shown on the Onedrive icon in the system tray.
When you are finished, choose Sign out through the start menu, do not just close the window or choose disconnect.
Automatic logout during inactivity
You are automatically logged out of the service after 60 minutes of inactivity, your program is in standby mode for a few hours but then closes completely. It is very important that you save your work before that happens.