The government's core values
Luleå University of Technology's core values are based on the national core values, which emphasize democratic values, objectivity and respect for the rights and integrity of all people.
The values that characterize Luleå University of Technology are courage, proximity and trust. We dare to challenge and question to make room for new ideas. We are proud of each other and of belonging to Luleå University of Technology.
Basic legal principles
Based on the legal system, the common core values can be summarized in six basic principles. It should be emphasized that these principles are common to all government employees, despite their widely differing areas of activity.
There are six fundamental principles of public administration based on the rule of law:
- Democracy - that all public power emanates from the people (Chapter 1, Section 1, first paragraph of the Instrument of Government (RF)).
- Legality - that all public activities must be supported by laws and ordinances (Chapter 1, Section 1, last paragraph, RF).
- Objectivity - to observe objectivity and impartiality and that equal cases must be treated equally (Chapter 1, Section 9, RF).
- Free formation of opinion - including freedom of expression and freedom of information; a prerequisite for the free formation of opinion is the public's right to access public documents (Chapter 1, Section 1, second paragraph, RF).
- Respect - for everyone's equal value and the freedom and dignity of the individual, where equality, equality, humanity and integrity are key words (Chapter 1, Section 2, first paragraph, RF).
- Efficiency and service - according to the Budget Act, the Administrative Procedure Act and the Ordinance on Public Authorities, public activities should be conducted as cheaply and with as high a quality as possible. Services must be provided through information, guidance and other assistance to individuals.