Luleå University of Technology has retained its HR Excellence in Research Award
Luleå University of Technology, the first Swedish university externally evaluated for the HR Excellence in Research Award have successfully retained the award from the European Commission.

The award recognises the systems and practices we have in place to support researchers’ career and professional development.
Through the work undertaken to gain the award the University has demonstrated commitment to improving the working conditions and career development for research staff. We will continue to work across departments, faculties, professional services and with researchers themselves to achieve these aims and ensure that research staff have the best possible experience of working at LTU.
All documents relating to the HR Excellence in Research, including GAP-analysis and action plans are to be found on the website "Documents and Decisions concerning HR Excellence in Research".
Five reasons for researchers to choose an institution which has signed the Charter and Code
- Your rights as a professional are recognised
- Your mobility experience is valued
- Your work-life balance is respected
- Recruitment transparency is guaranteed
- You will be part of a pan-European network consisting of research organisations and researchers
To communicate the HR Excellence in Research award
Departments and researchers are encouraged to refer to the award, as evidence of the University’s commitment to supporting its researchers. The award can be communicated in text, without graphical elements, in grant applications and on web pages and other materials for current and prospective research staff.
- HR Acknowledged Institutions
External link.
- Documents and Decisions concerning HR Excellence in Research
Documents and Decisions concerning HR Excellence in Research Published: 30 January 2018
"Strengthened" HRS4R Process
- Gap Analysis
- Action Plan
- Guidelines for Recruitment of Teachers
EU formal decision
- LTU Final assessment CONSENSUS
Charter and Code
- The European Charter for Researchers
External link.
- The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers
External link.
- Decision by Vice Chancellor
Declaration of Commitment - Appendix Declaration of Commitment
Declaration of commitment (signed version)
Process at Luleå University of Technology
- Decision by Vice Chancellor
Decision of implementation - Appendix 1, Decision Vice Chancellor
Methodology - Appendix 2, Decision Vice Chancellor
Gap Analysis and Action Plan
Internal Review
- Internal Review 2020
EURAXESS is an unique pan-European initiative backed by the European Union and its Members States, offering a complete range of information and personalised support services, to researchers, innovators, research organisations/universities and businesses.