Apply for a job
We are always looking for new dedicated staff, from researchers and teachers to technical and administrative staff.
To apply for a position at Luleå University of Technology, register an account in our recruitment system.
If you have questions about the application procedure and the content of the application, please contact the contact person indicated in the relevant advertisement.
For technical questions, please use the form below, indicating the reference number of the advertisement in the subject line. Technical support is provided during office hours.
- Error report Servicedesk
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Form in Swedish
Instructions for teachers
When applying for a teaching position at Luleå University of Technology, you apply through our recruitment system. Be sure to submit a complete application. Qualified applicants are evaluated by external experts.
Instructions for applicants are intended to be used when applying for employment as professor, assistant professor, senior lecturer, associate senior lecturer and when assessing eligibility for senior lecturer, assistant professor, professor and when applying to be admitted as an unpaid associate professor.
The purpose of the instructions is to make it easier for you as an applicant and for the experts who will assess the application documents.
Application documents for employment as professor, assistant professor, senior lecturer, associate senior lecturer, when applying for examination for higher qualification to professor and senior lecturer must be attached to the application via our recruitment system.
Appointment procedure
The employment regulation is a local regulation that regulates the employment of teachers.
- Employment regulations
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Decided 2022-01-20
An authority's decision to employ someone can, as a rule, be appealed (with the exception of employment as a doctoral student).
The right to appeal is held by the person to whom the decision relates, i.e. the person who has applied for the employment.
The appeal period is three weeks, counting from the day on which the decision in accordance with 7§ AF was announced and posted on the authority's notice board.
Appeal reference
If you wish to appeal the decision, you must do so in writing. You should send the letter to the Higher Education Appeals Board.
The letter should be sent/delivered to:
Luleå University of Technology
971 87 Luleå
Describe the decision in question, how you want the decision to be changed and why you think the decision should be changed.
For your appeal to be considered, your letter must be received by the university within three weeks of the date the decision was posted on the university's notice board.
Sign the letter and state your name, personal identity number, postal address and telephone number. If you use a representative, the representative can sign the letter instead. In that case, send it with a power of attorney.
Trade union contacts
Contact person
Sofia Henriksson
Phone: 0920-493676
Chairman Kjell Johansson
Phone: 0920-491529
Trade union ST
Chairman Lars Frisk
Phone: 0920-491792
Mobile: 073 - 040 75 39