Urban Eriksson, Tobias Skogsberg och Sara Cervantes.
Male network in preschool
The ULF project is based on a common need among employers and higher education institutions to increase and broaden the recruitment of potential preschool teacher students, preschool teachers and childcare workers. The project intends to analyse the importance of gender in relation to preschool teachers' educational and teaching assignments and preschool teachers' and childcare workers' experiences of the conditions for carrying out the educational and teaching assignment from a gender perspective.
Who are we?
We who participate in the project have several years of experience working as preschool teachers and childcare workers in Luleå municipality. The local project manager for the ULF project is Urban Eriksson, who works as a preschool teacher and coordinator of the network Men in preschool, Luleå. Further participants in the project are Tobias Skogsberg, childcare worker and coordinator of the network Men in preschool, Luleå. The responsible researcher is Sara Cervantes, Senior Lecturer in Education, Division of Education, Language and Subject Didactics.
The area for R&D practice-related research
The ULF project is based on a common need among employers and higher education institutions to increase and broaden the recruitment of potential preschool teacher students, preschool teachers and childcare workers. The Men in Preschool network has identified that the education and teaching task and stress at work are experienced differently between the genders. The study therefore intends to scientifically study success factors and challenges that preschool teachers and childcare workers experience in their assignment. The project is carried out symmetrically and complementarily in collaboration between preschool teachers, childcare workers and researchers, where the hope is to eventually increase the possibility of broader recruitment and strengthen the quality of teaching.
Purpose of the project
The project intends to analyse the importance of gender in relation to preschool teachers' educational and teaching assignments and preschool teachers' and childcare workers' experiences of the conditions for implementing the educational and teaching assignment from a gender perspective.
Implementation and documentation
The project involves focus group discussions with active preschool teachers and childcare workers in the municipality. The focus group discussions give the participants the opportunity to reflect on the education and teaching mission and the conditions for implementing it. Following the focus group discussion, the participants complete a written reflection.
Dissemination of results
Dissemination of results will take place via an online published scientific report. Presentation of results to principals, management team and HR consultants at Luleå municipality. Future scientific articles for use in teaching at the preschool teacher program.