Some of those cooperating within UDiN. Louice Kuoppala Stridsman, Karin Forsman, Tina Arnold, and Ulrika Bergmark.
Researchers and schools side by side on UDiN day
A platform for uniting researchers and those working in schools, this is the purpose of UDiN – educational dialogue in the north. On the UDiN day at Luleå University of Technology, it was time for the first large physical meeting. 150 people gathered to exchange experience, building networks and for inspiration to develop the school on a scientific basis.
UDiN brings together teachers, researchers and leaders in schools and pre-schools. It is a forum where school professionals can take part in the latest research, but also where researchers get more knowledge of what is happening in practice and where experiences can be shared. UDiN is organized in collaboration between Luleå University of Technology, school principals in Norrbotten and Norrbotten Municipalities.
“UDiN is like a dream come true, now we have a place for collaboration. The purpose of UDiN for Luleå University of Technology is indeed to disseminate research, but it is not about informing. Researchers and practitioners stand side by side, it should be complementary and symmetrical,” says Ulrika Bergmark, Professor of Education and initiator of UDiN.
Great interest from the whole county
In a series of digital seminars, a variety of themes have been discussed since the start in 2021, and in June 2023 it was time for the first physical meeting. On UDiN Day, there were 20 seminars to choose from, this time focusing on primary and secondary schools. The interest was great, in addition to the 50 or so people who participated in seminars and panel discussions, there were 100 places for participants, which were fully booked in a couple of days. The participants came from all parts of the school and from large parts of Norrbotten.
“UDiN means a lot to us. We come closer to the academy and gain insight into how other municipalities work. It gives us a network of contacts and the opportunity to share experiences. In addition, we know that what is shared here is actually based on science and proven experience,” says Tina Arnold, business developer at the School Development Center in the municipality of Norden.
Seminars with researchers and teachers
The seminars covered a wide range of topics, including preventing honour-related violence, teaching methods in mathematics, the role of aesthetics in learning, a critical approach to sources, and much more. Most seminars involved both researchers and teachers or other school staff.

Anna Kassfeldt.
One of the many participants was Anna Kassfeldt, new development manager at Luleå Upper Secondary School and former teacher in Piteå municipality.
“A day like this raises thoughts and ideas about how you can change your teaching, in large and small. It is also a good forum to exchange experiences, to go outside your bubble,” she says.
Giving teachers the right conditions
The final panel discussion included how managers can provide the conditions for teachers to have time to take part in, or work with, research.
“I see the glow in the eyes of the educators who work with this. For it to continue to exist, I know that I have to give them time and opportunity to work with research and to share knowledge,” says Tomas Lund, deputy principal at Prästholmsskolan in Boden.

Participants of the panel discussion: Tina Arnold, Stina Westerlund, Anna-Karin Hagström, Louice Kuoppala Stridsman and Tomas Lund.

Björn Emmoth and Agnes Strandberg have been working with UDiN during their time as doctoral students.