Opening hours for Service Point and the switchboard
On this page you will find the opening hours for Service Point and the switchboard. Information about different opening hours can be found here.
Opening hours Service Point
Ordinary opening hours
Visitors' desk: weekdays 8.00–15.00
Switchboard: 0920-49 10 00 open weekdays 8.00–16.00 (Closes at 15.30 on Tuesdays)
IT phone 8–16 (closes at 15 on Tuesdays)
Visiting address
University area, Porsön, Luleå
B building
Opening hours Service Point, Piteå
Monday-Friday 8.00–15.00
Closed for lunch at 11.00–12.00.
Opening hours Service Point, Skellefteå
Monday-Thursday 8.00–15.00
Friday 8.00–12.00