Water on Mars - this is how the researchers found the findings
The issue of life on Mars has long fascinated humanity. Researchers at Luleå University of Technology made the amazing findings of traces of water on Mars. Much indicates that there may be, or has been, life on the red planet. And the exploration continues – the future is closer than we think.
In August 2012, after an almost nine-month journey through space, the unmanned rover Curiosity landed on Mars. On board Curiosity is a meteorological station called REMS (Rover Environmental Monitoring Station) that can measure humidity, pressure, temperature, wind speed, and ultraviolet radiation.
With data from REMS, scientists eventually made an astounding discovery: on Mars there are thin films of liquid brines that evaporate over night – there is a daily water exchange between soil and atmospehere. The conclusion was that salts found in the ground surface of Mars can absorb water vapor from the environment. The discovery was the first to establish that there are conditions for the presence of liquid water on the planet.