Contact us
Board of Directors
- Oskar Rydman
Geosciences and Environmental Engineering
- Kabelo Rathobei
Business Administration and Industrial Engineering
- Zeenat Farooq
Energy Science
Technical Faculty Board (TFN)
- Karl Löwenmark
Embedded Intelligent Systems
Artistic Committee (FFN)
- Lisa Emilie Jakobs
Education and Languages
Joint Board Group for Doctoral Education (FOG/FFN)
- Annika Pekkari
Humans and Technology - Melina Sattelmeier
Fluid & Experimental Mechanic
Department Management teams
Economics, Technology, Arts and Society (ETKS)
- Marnell Kirsten
Business Administration & Industrial Engineering - Johan Miyatani
Social sciences
Civil Engineering and Natural Resources (SBN)
- Letty Mora
Architecture and Water - Alma Fahlén Hammar
Geosciences & Environmental Engineering
Engineering Science and Mathematics (TVM)
- Lisa-Marie Weniger
Machine Elements
Systems and Space Technology (SRT)
- Niklas Dahlquist
Signals and Systems
Health, Education and Technology (HLT)
- Jimmy Ingemansson
Health. medicine & rehabilitation
Other Board members
PhD representative in SACO
- Emma Pakkala
Social Sciences
Representative in ST
- Ali Valizadeh
Energy Science
Skellefteå Representative
- Hafiz Zubyrul Kazme
Energy Science
Kiruna Representative
- János Stenszky
Space Technology - Viktor Sandell
Doctoral student representative
Page author: Christian Holmberg Sjöling