Course literature
Course literature is crucial for your study success! Ensure you have access to it at the start of the course, whether by purchasing, borrowing from the library, or using scanned materials. Always check if the book is available as an e-book.
Find your course literature
- Search the syllabus
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Search the syllabus to identify the required course literature for your studies.
Use the Library Search Tool to find your course books. Select the title to check if the book is available. If the book is available on the shelf, retrieve it yourself and borrow it using the self-checkout machine. If the book is currently checked out, you can reserve it by selecting Place Hold. Course books have a 14-day loan period, and the library keeps multiple copies of each title.
If you are a distance student at Luleå University of Technology and live elsewhere, contact a local library near you.
- The Library Search Tool
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- More infrmation about loans and fees
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You can sometimes access course literature in full text via the Library Search Tool, with many students able to read it simultaneously. Select the title to locate the e-book link. Make sure to log in with your LTU account to view the full text.
Handouts: Your teacher will provide information about any handouts.
Course literature: Purchase it from a bookstore or online.
Accessible course literature
Students with disabilities that affect their ability to read printed text may be eligible to use Legimus. This provides access to accessible course materials, including audiobooks and e-textbooks, which can be borrowed or downloaded through Legimus (provided by MTM, the Swedish Agency for Accessible Literature).