Books and e-books
At the library, we have large collections of non-fiction in both print and electronic form. The collections also include some fiction in several languages and children's books.
Search books and e-books
Search the Library Tool Box to find books. Search first and then narrow down the results by selecting source types (books or e-books). If it is a physical book, you will see in the hit list if the book is available on the shelf. Then you can pick it up and borrow it from the loan machine. If the book is on loan, you can reserve it. You can find more about this on our borrowing pages. Opens in new window.
Access to e-books
When you are at Luleå University of Technology, you can access the e-books automatically, but if you are elsewhere, you must log in with your LTU user to be able to access them. You have an LTU user if you are a student or employee at Luleå University of Technology. If you do not have an LTU user, you have a more limited access.
If you do not have an LTU user
If you do not have an LTU user, you can only access e-books on site at the library, on your own or on one of the library's computers, after generating a code that you can get on a special iPad at the library. However, you have access to all openly available e-books.
Searching open access e-books
Search for full-text e-books with direct open access via Libris External link, opens in new window..
Enter your search terms. Once you have a list of hits, you can limit your search by selecting "Free online" and "Book" and "E-resource" in the right-hand column.
Open access scientific e-books can also be found via the portals below.
- DOAB - Directory of Open Access Books
External link, opens in new window.
Free online e-books in all subjects. - Kriterium
External link, opens in new window.
A portal for review, publication and dissemination of high-quality academic books, in accordance with the principles for open access. - Open Polar
External link, opens in new window.
A global Open Access Portal for Research Data and Publications on the Arctic and Antarctic.
E-book publishers
The rules for borrowing, copying, printing and downloading e-books vary from one publisher to another. You can also find e-books by searching directly through the e-book publishers' websites. This gives you more search options, such as searching the full text of the book and browsing by topic.
Cambridge Core
- Cambridge Core
External link, opens in new window.
One chapter or 5% of a book may be copied, and one chapter or 20% of a book may be printed out.
Books can be downloaded chapter by chapter in pdf format.
EBSCOhost eBook Collection
- To EBSCOhost
External link.
(Select eBook Collection for e-books) - Ebsco Mobile App: Quick Start Guide
External link.
Up to 100 pages per book may be saved in PDF format and printed out, depending on publisher. Some books do not allow copying of text. On the details page for each book, you can see which conditions apply to the book in question.
To read books offline, you must create an EBSCOhost account. The account is activated free of charge for library users. Downloaded books can be read for a maximum of 12 hours. Titles with one user access can not be downloaded.
To be able to read books on a computer (PC, Mac, Linux), Adobe Digital Editions is required. To read eBooks on mobile devices, you can download the EBSCO Mobile App from Apple Store/Google Play Store.
User Account: In order to save any notes you make in the text, you will need to register a user account. This is free of charge for library users.
Limited Number of Users: Some books can only be read by 1-3 users at a time. The number of concurrent users is listed on the details page for each book.
Single chapters may be copied. On the details page for each book, you can see which conditions apply to the book in question.
To download the entire book, you'll need Adobe Digital Editions on your laptop/desktop, tablet, or phone. The download periods may vary depending on the number of copies held by the library.
Highlight, take notes and bookmark pages in your online copy, stored on your bookshelf for you.
Single chapters may be copied and printed out.
Books can be downloaded in full in PDF or ePub format, or chapter-wise in PDF format. Individual chapters can also be read online.
Printed copies: Students and employees at LTU are able to order their own printed copies of those eBooks that are owned by the University Library. The price per each is €24.99.
Taylor & Francis
Printing and copying is allowed for personal use.
Books can be downloaded in full or chapter-wise in PDF format.
Most e-books larger than 200MB cannot be read online and can only be downloaded.
Listen to e-books
In most cases, the e-book can be read aloud.
Many e-books are in PDF format and can be read by Adobe Reader's built-in speech synthesizer, Read Out Loud.
Activate Read Out Loud under the menu View> Read Out Loud. The speech synthesis and accompanying reading voice used depends on the operating system, i.e. whether the computer is a PC or Mac. Downloading chapters or pages from some e-book platforms creates a PDF. This pdf file is an image and cannot be read with Read Out Loud.
At LTU, the speech synthesis program TorTalk can be installed. The program can read everything that can be marked and is text. This means e.g. Word, most web texts and pdf files. Tortalk has language files that read texts in Swedish or English. The program works on images of text if electronic text is not available. Even locked PDF files and e-books are read aloud.
Find the books in the library premises
Dewey - books with number code
The book collection on the upper and ground floors is organized according to the Dewey number system. For reasons of space, some numerical sections are located on the ground floor.
- WebDewey
External link, opens in new window.
Here you can see what the different Dewey numbers stand for.
SAB - books with letter code
Books labelled according to the letter system SAB can be found on the lower level. This applies to the Nordkalott collection (see below), all fiction, some older non-fiction and non-fiction for children.
- SAB - Libris
External link, opens in new window.
Here you can see what the different letter designations within SAB stand for.
If we don't have the book you are looking for
Special collections and donations
The library has several special collections and donations. Examples include the North Calotte collection and the Ragnar Lassinantti book collection. The North Calotte collection on the ground floor includes books from many different subject areas. There are also the parts of the Ragnar Lassinantti collection that deal with the North Calotte. Other books from the Lassinantti book collection are located in connection with the library's various collections.