Professional Services
Professional Services is organised under a common management. Professional Services consists of seven divisions and is located both centrally and at the departments.
The University Director is the head of Professional Services and is directly subordinate to the vice-chancellor.
University Director: Maria Lundgren External link.
Planning and Finance
The division consists of two units: Accounting and Financial Control and Education and Research Planning.
The division is responsible for preparation and analysis in the area of financial management and for the university's financial accounting and financial administration processes. The task includes preparation of the governance model, resource allocation model, planning conditions, business plans, budget documents, follow-up reports, annual reports and coordination of internal governance and control. The division also prepares financial planning, governance and follow-up for central operational support and university-wide activities.
Furthermore, the division is responsible for handling matters in the area of research and education, such as preparation of the university's educational offerings and the faculty boards' case management. The division is also responsible for planning and follow-up in the field of education and research, and for the university's education and research statistics. The assignment also includes collaboration with the region and industry organizations in educational issues.
The division is also responsible for law, procurement, information management and information security and the quality function.
Head of Division Ulrica Van Deventer
Human Resources
The HR division is responsible for strategic competence supply, the university's employer policy, personal security, work environment issues, organizational issues, salary management, gender equality and equal opportunities, and support for the managerial and management functions in HR-related issues.
Head of Division: Tommy Viklund
Student, researcher and education support
The division is responsible for advice and support in law, procurement, information management and information security, educational development, external funding, LTU common research infrastructure, quality work, research and publication support, information supply and support for student learning. The library also has a mission to the public. The division also includes student affairs.
The department consists of six units:
- Student Administration
- Student Services
- Counselling and Health
- University Library
- The Centre for Educational Development
- Grants Office
Head of Division:
Division of Communications
The division consists of two units: Communications Office and Student Recruitment.
The division is responsible for internal and external communication, branding, graphic profile and the university's website.
The division is also responsible for student recruitment and alumni relations.
Head of Division: Mia Oldenburg
Premises and Service
The division consists of three units: Premises Management, Environment and Safety and University Services. University Services consists of three groups: Production Services, Local Services (logistics) and Local Services (cleaning).
The division is responsible for the university's supply of premises and premises planning, physical security, environmental and sustainability work and services within the university in the form of, among other things, cleaning, coffee service, printing services, mail and goods and the central workshop.
Head of Division: Fredrik Edfast
The division consists of three units: Architecture and service development, Infrastructure and platform services and Integration and software development
Head of Division: Karin Styrman
Local Administration
The division consists of the administrative groups at the department, the Development Office and the unit for Coordination and Management Support.
Head of Division: Mikael Öqvist