Department of Health, Education and Technology
The department's research and education is socially relevant and in demand. In order to offer interesting, relevant and exciting research and education, we work with continuous development that meets the demand in health and learning. Within the framework of the department's ten research topics, there are opportunities to create exciting interdisciplinary collaborations.

Our programmes
Our students are the future of education and healthcare. Our programmes are important to society and our students are in high demand.

The department have a broad range of research, from projects that develop schools in practice to basic research on neurological diseases. Read more about our research subjects and ongoing projects.

The department has three divisions: Division of Health, Medicine and Rehabilitation, Division of Nursing and Biomedical Engineering, and Division of Education and Languages.

Research revealing children’s perspective on digital play
What opportunities does play in the digital world offer children, from their perspective? A new doctoral thesis has explored how children of different ages experience playing video games

Sauna bathing can improve health
A new study led by researchers from Luleå University of Technology, among others, shows that sauna bathing can have positive effects on both physical and mental health in residents of northern Sweden.

Vocabulary and structure important for learning English
Learning vocabulary is not focus on when teaching English in Swedish schools, despite research showing that vocabulary requires systematic work, according to a new doctoral thesis.

Postgraduate education
At the Department of Health, Education and Technology you will find an innovative and stimulating research environment. Our graduate schools include several research areas.

School cooperation
We have close collaboration with schools and preschools in both education and research. We train future teachers and conduct research to develop schools and teaching on a scientific basis.