The principal representative and leader of the university is the vice-chancellor. The government appoints the vice-chancellor on the proposal of the university board. The vice-chancellor main task is to ensure that the university's activities are carried out efficiently and in accordance with statutory requirements.
The vice-chancellor has a pro-vice-chancellor who also serves as the vice-chancellor’s deputy. Furthermore, the vice-chancellor has a deputy vice-chancellor responsible for education and quality and a deputy vice-chancellor responsible for research and collaboration. The vice-chancellor, pro-vice-chancellor and deputy vice-chancellors are members of the Vice-Chancellor function.
The Vice-Chancellor function
- Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn
- Pär Weihed
Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor’s Deputy
Deputy Vice-Chancellors
- Sara Thorgren
Professor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Education and Quality - Charlotte Wiberg
Professor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and Collaboration
Vice-Chancellor’s Councils
The Vice-Chancellor's Strategic Council
The Vice-Chancellor's Strategic Council includes the Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Deans, Heads of Department, University Director and student representatives. The Vice-Chancellor appoints the other members by special decision. The task of the Vice-Chancellor's Strategic Council is to create common views/approaches, contribute to a holistic approach through the exchange of experience on various operational issues, coordinate strategic issues and provide guidance linked to the governance process.
The Vice-Chancellor’s Councils
The Vice-Chancellor establishes six Vice-Chancellor’s Councils that work on behalf of, and report to, the Vice-Chancellor. The Vice-Chancellor’s Councils function as strategic-operational platforms to promote the overall goals and visions of the University and have an advisory role towards the Vice-Chancellor’s function.
Vice-Chancellor's Council within AI
The Vice-Chancellor has appointed a Rector's Council in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), with the task of coordinating, strengthening and promoting the University's work in AI.
- Marcus Liwicki
Vice-Chancellor's Council for Artificial Intelligence
Page author: Maria Åberg-Andersson