Organisation chart
Luleå University of Technology is a public authority governed by laws, regulations and decisions by the Swedish Government and the Swedish Parliament. The vice-chancellor is the head of authority and the University Board the most senior decision-making body.
The organisation structure is regulated in Rules of procedure for Luleå University of Technology. The rules of procedures describe the University Board as well as responsibilities and duties of various functions and roles.
The University Board: The most senior decision-making body of the University.
- Members of the University Board
Chair: Eva Hamilton
Internal Audit: Organisationally positioned under the University Board and works by direct order of the same.
The Vice-Chancellor: Central management function composed of the vice-chancellor, the pro-vice-chancellor, the deputy vice-chancellor for education and quality and the deputy vice-chancellor for research and collaboration.
- Contact information for the Vice-Chancellor function
Vice-Chancellor: Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn
The Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic Council: Is headed by the vice-chancellor. Is tasked with establishing common viewpoints, contributing to a holistic approach through exchange of experience, coordinating strategic matters and providing guidance related to the governing process. Is composed of the vice-chancellor, the pro-vice-chancellor, deputy vice-chancellors, heads of department, deans, student representatives and the university director.
- Representatives in the Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic Council
Vice-Chancellor: Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn
The Vice-Chancellor’s Quality Council: Advisory body to the vice-chancellor on university-wide quality work. Is headed by the deputy vice-chancellor for education and quality and consists of deans, academic representatives of the departments, representatives of the student unions, and quality function staff.
- Representatives in the Vice-Chancellor’s Quality Council
Deputy Vice-Chancellor for education and quality: Sara Thorgren
Faculty Boards: Two faculty boards; one for science and technology and one for humanities and social sciences, each headed by a dean who works by order of and reports to the vice-chancellor. The faculty boards bring forward strategic proposals within education and research domains to the vice-chancellor.
- Members of the Board of the Faculty of Science and Technology
Dean: Karl Andersson - Members of the Board of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dean: Annica Sandström
Departments: Five departments for education and research led by the heads of department, who are directly subordinate to the vice-chancellor.
- Department of Social Sciences, Technology and Arts
Head of Department: Åsa Wallström - Department of Health, Education and Technology
Head of Department: Maria Johansson - Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
Head of Department: Charlotta Johansson - Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering
Head of Department: Niklas Lehto - Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics
Head of Department: Margareta Groth
Professional Services: A joint organisational structure supporting education and research at the University. The university director is the head of Professional Services and is directly subordinate to the vice-chancellor.
- Divisions within Professional Services
University Director: Maria Lundgren
Student representatives: Students are represented on the university board, the vice-chancellor’s quality council, the vice-chancellor’s strategic council, the department management teams and the faculty boards. The student representatives also participate in the vice-chancellor’s executive meetings and in other executive meetings about education and research planning.
Page author: Kommunikation och varumärke