EURAXESS is an unique pan-European initiative backed by the European Union and its Members States, offering a complete range of information and personalised support services, to researchers, innovators, research organisations/universities and businesses.

At the end of 2016 the new portal was launched and it is now a platform for researchers, entrepreneurs, universities and businesses to interact with each other on a global scale. The revamped EURAXESS portal proposes registered users with matching collaboration, job and hosting opportunities and introduces a real funding database, where research funding agencies are invited to enter national research funding opportunities. Read more at the links below.
Vinnova is the responsible organization for Euraxess Sweden, part of a European network of over 500 Euraxess centers in over 40 countries.
Luleå University of Technology has signed an agreement with the European research network EURAXESS.
EURAXESS web portal
The web portal is a platform for researchers, entrepreneurs, universities and businesses to interact with each other on a global scale. The portal proposes registered users with matching collaboration, job and hosting opportunities and introduces a funding database, where research funding agencies are invited to enter national research funding opportunities.
Under EURAXESS/Jobs and Funding/Working environment you will find more information regarding
- Charter Code for Researchers
- Charter Code for Researchers (EU Content)
- Human Recourses Strategy for Researchers
For more information, please contact
Facebook: @EuraxessSweden
Twitter: #Euraxess
EURAXESS network project
Welcome Services coordinates the EURAXESS Network Projects 2018-2022. The project is funded by Vinnova.
The purpose of the EURAXESS Network Project is to make relevant and present issues within the European EURAXESS network visible in Sweden, and to broaden, expand and develop the Swedish network.
The activities in the project are expected to increase the visibility of Sweden as a research nation and improve the support for researcher mobility.
External link.
More information - EURAXESS Europa
External link.
More information - Euraxess movie
External link.
Information about the portal and get to know how to use it for the best purpose - EURAXESS - Researchers in motion
Short movie about what Euraxess offers