From project to company
Digitalisation is a key factor in improving the quality of life of citizens and the development of society. We are working on a variety of projects, such as improving connectivity in rural areas and driving the development of advanced technologies. Over the years, we have carried out projects at regional, national and international level and, together with our partners, we are creating the conditions for growth through new innovations, products and processes.
Our main areas
Within digitalisation, we are focusing on four main areas. We are working on developing smart communities and contributing to the development of society by improving connectivity and accessibility to digital services in rural areas. We are also working with digitalisation for the green transition by developing energy-efficient solutions for industry and society. In addition, we are working on cloud and edge computing and helping to accelerate the supply and demand of services based on big data. Finally, we are working on communication and the application of communication systems, such as 6G.
Co-operation with industry, the authorities and the public sector is an important part of our work. Together with small and medium-sized enterprises, we create the conditions for growth through new innovations, products, services and processes. We are a gateway to the university's research resources and help both small businesses and large industrial companies to participate in regional, national and international projects.
Working with us
Benefit from a broad network of partners
CDT works on ground-breaking innovations through close co-operation. We have an extensive network that includes both the private and public sectors, multinational companies and SMEs, as well as academic and non-profit organisations.
Become an effective and active participant in EU projects
CDT is not only active in a variety of EU projects, but also as an active partner in a number of national and international research and innovation networks.
Access to experimental environments
CDT has access to a range of innovation and testing environments that facilitate the step from research to practical application.
Become a CDT partner
CDT provides an integrated environment of people, infrastructure, tools, processes and services for research, development and testing. Contact us to learn more about how you can become a CDT partner.