Luleå University of Technology welcomes all student-athletes who want to pursue dual careers.
Norrbotten model for elite athletes strengthens opportunities for 'dual careers'
Now a competence center for elite sports is started at Luleå University of Technology in collaboration with the Swedish Ski Association Alpine, the Swedish Biathlon Association, the Swedish Ski Association cross-country skiing and the Swedish Orienteering Association. This means that from the fall of 2024, the university will expand its close cooperation with sports associations and top coaches to include alpine skiing and biathlon. There is already an investment at Luleå University of Technology in cross-country skiing and ski orienteering. This increases the conditions for investing in "dual careers" as an elite athlete in the county.
- In Norrbotten, it should be possible to live, stay and develop as an elite athlete by investing in dual careers. Boys and girls should be able to combine elite sports and studies or work and sports. Elite athletes should be able to choose to stay here - and they should want to move here. Now the opportunities for elite athletes to continue their elite sports careers in the county after graduating from Luleå University of Technology - and at the same time work and live here, says Joakim Abrahamsson, former national captain of the Swedish cross-country skiing team and project manager for the new competence center.
Facilitates dual careers
Luleå University of Technology has been designated as an elite sports-friendly university by the Swedish Sports Confederation, and welcomes all 72 sports within the federation, but has cross-country skiing, ski orienteering, biathlon and alpine skiing as its special efforts. The goal is to become a National Sports University. Luleå University of Technology has a wide range of education and top research in close cooperation with the sports associations in cross-country skiing and biathlon. The researchers collaborate, among other things, with the Swedish Olympic Committee in ski research with the aim of developing the world's fastest ski for the 2026 Olympics.
LKAB invests especially in alpine skiing
In the new competence center, even more research is linked to the elite sports activities at the university and new knowledge quickly reaches the students but will also reach everything from sports associations, clubs to sports high schools. In addition, cooperation with industry, municipalities and the region is intensified to maximize the effect of dual careers in Norrbotten. It is about improving those conditions by offering jobs, career transitions and trainee programs. Here, LKAB will make a special investment in alpine skiing at Luleå University of Technology.
- It feels fantastic that we in alpine skiing and skicross at the Swedish Ski Association get another elite environment where our athletes can grow with dual careers. It is buzzing with activity in northern Sweden and we are happy to be able to continue to conduct training and competition in Norrbotten and at the same time continue to develop facilities and associations in the county. In addition to support from the municipalities, the region and the university, LKAB will be a main partner to the university team that will start up operations in the fall of 2024, says Karin Stolt Halvarsson, head of alpine skiing and skicross at the Swedish Ski Association.
Norrbotten is strengthened as a sports region
In the longer term, the goal is for the activities of the competence center, with its close cooperation with the sports associations, to contribute to the development of northern Sweden into a very strong sports region.
- Swedish biathlon and northern Sweden have a positive growth and we are pleased that Luleå University of Technology wants to create an elite environment where our athletes can develop their dual careers. We made an investment before the Swedish Championships in Piteå that has had a good effect and an increased interest. Now LTU's Norrbotten model is a welcome next step to strengthen Swedish biathlon in northern Sweden, says Rikard Grip, Secretary General of the Swedish Biathlon Federation.
Collaborative partners and co-financiers in the new competence center are the Swedish Ski Association Alpine, the Swedish Biathlon Association, the Swedish Ski Association cross-country skiing, the Swedish Orienteering Association, Region Norrbotten, the County Administrative Board of Norrbotten, Sparbanken Nord, LKAB, Boden Municipality and Luleå Municipality.
- We are proud to be involved and contribute to this surefire investment. Sport contributes to both joy and commitment and is an important part of our development in the future, says Evelina Rydeker, municipal councilor in Luleå municipality.
"The project will contribute to more people choosing Norrbotten for studies and work, which will be a welcome addition to our labor market. We also believe that in the long term it will be a boost for sports facilities and sports clubs around the county, and this in turn will benefit our young people and their health", says Helena Ölund, chairman of Region Norrbotten's regional development committee.
HC Holmberg, former development manager for the Swedish Olympic Committee and adjunct professor at Luleå University of Technology, Andreas Almqvist, professor of machine elements and ski researcher at Luleå University of Technology and Joakim Abrahamsson, have had a significant role in the establishment of the new competence center.
The application for the Elite Sports Friendly University at Luleå University of Technology is open.