About WoodCenter North
WoodCenter North (TCN) is a Centres of Excellence at Luleå University of Technology that works to increase cooperation between research and wood industry and business life. TCN wants to promote knowledge transfer and thus create benefits and growth for the industry.
TCN has existed since 2006 and has so far implemented and supported 180 projects with a total of SEK 163 million.
TCN has 14 members in the wood industry: Sveaskog, Setra, SCA, Norra Skog, Holmen, Sågverken Mellansverige, SÅGAB - Sågverken Norrland, Derome, Martinsons, Lindbäcks, Skellefteå Kommun, Piteå Kommun, Luleå Tekniska Universitet and RISE.
The vision is to use new and developed processes, products and services to make it possible for the regional and national Swedish wood industry to increase added value, increase efficiency, obtain stronger competitiveness and thus increase growth in the sector for the benefit of both companies and the industry as well as the whole society. To realize the above vision, TCN has the following strategies:
- Deepened collaboration between research (academia and institutes) and industry (process owners, equipment suppliers and knowledge companies) to achieve the goal of creating a strong R&D activity.
- Further develop TCN as an innovation network towards increased creativity and development power.
- R&D activities are concentrated on industry-driven, needs-oriented implementation projects with a strong application focus.
- Generate new ideas and problem solutions and contribute to synergies between companies.
- Improved training and recruitment to the woodworking sector.
- Increased staff mobility between industry and R&D.
TCN Board 2022 to 2023
Members of the Committee
Anders Carlsson, Derome AB
Anders Lundkvist, TräCentrum Norr and Luleå University of Technology
Annica Lindbäck, Lindbäcks Bygg AB
Anders Petersson, SCA Wood AB
Ove Sjögren, Holmen Wood Products AB
Roger Bergman, Sågab (Stenvalls Trä AB)
Bror Sundqvist, Luleå University of Technology
Cristoffer Schütze, Luleå University of Technology
Margareta Ring Groth, Luleå University of Technology
Page author: About us