HLV0002 Qualitative research methodology in health sciences ECTS/HP: 5.0
Course name:
Qualitative research methodology in health sciences
Swedish name: Kvalitativ forskningsmetodik inom hälsovetenskap
ECTS/HP: 5.0
Course code: HLV0002
Educational level: third-cycle course
Entry requirements:
General entry requirements for the doctoral level. Admitted to doctoral studies at LTU in subject SCB-coded under Medical and Health Sciences (3) or Medical Engineering (206). Recommended prior knowledge is basic qualitative research methodology.
Course content:
With the aim of preparing for addressing research with qualitative designs and methodology, the course will include the following contents:
Philosophy of science
Research ethics
Gender aspects
Qualitative research design including intervention studies
Qualitative methods for data collection and analysis
Learning outcomes:
After completed course the student is expected to be able to:
- Apply and argue for qualitative research designs and methods of relevance to health science research
- Explain and argue for scientific perspectives in relation to qualitative research design
- Design, discuss and argue for a qualitative data collection and analysis relevant to own research study plan, including gender aspects and research ethics
Course methods:
Students’ learning is based on course literature, specific study tasks, seminar discussions and individual written assignment. Details will be presented in a study plan provided on admission to the course.
Examination form:
The course will be examined through seminars, workshops and a written assignment in English. Details will be presented in the study plan.
Grading scale: Pass/Fail
Course literature:
Holloway, I., & Galvin, K. (2016). Qualitative research in nursing and healthcare. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
Höglund Nielsen, B., & Granskär, M. (2017).Tillämpad kvalitativ forskning inom hälso-och sjukvård. 3. uppl. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Kvale, S., & Brinkmann, S. (2014). Den kvalitativa forskningsintervjun. 3.[rev.] uppl. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Alternativt: Kvale., S & Brinkmann, S. (2014). Interviews – learning the craft of qualitative research interviewing. Sage Publications Inc.
Education cycle:
SP 3, 2024
Course is given periodically: Yes, next time planned to SP 3 2025
Send application to: Professor Gunilla Isaksson: Gunilla.isaksson@ltu.se
Doctoral student: name, civic registration number, e-mail, Division and Department in the application
Deadline for application:
Not later than the 15th of December 2023.
Course open for application by doctoral students admitted to other universities than LTU: if space is available
Limited number of students: Yes, 15 students
As the course is allocated resources via department resource allocation, the course is free of charge for doctoral students admitted at LTU HLT.
Contact person:
Professor Gunilla.Isaksson: gunilla.isaksson@ltu.se
Professor Gunilla Isaksson: Gunilla.isaksson@ltu.se
Course syllabus decided by:
Head of the Department of Health, Education and Technology
Date of decision: 19-11-12
Sidansvarig: Forskning