Kvalitativ forskning: teori och metod 7,5 hp FOR051F
Teoretiska och filosofiska utgångspunkter, datainsamling och dataanalys, baserat på kvalitativa forskningsmetoder kommer diskuteras, tillämpas och problematiseras
HP: 7.5
Course code: FOR051F
Course time: Study period 1-2 Autumn 2025
Course location: Luleå
Examiner: Prof. Eva Alerby
Learning outcomes:
After completing the course, the student should be able to:
- describe and explain the interplay between theoretical frameworks and the choice of methods,
- identify, evaluate and argue for different methodological approaches for collecting empirical data related to one’s own research area,
- apply and argue for relevant methods for analysis and presentation of qualitative data,
- describe and weigh various forms of quality criteria in qualitative research,
- identify and problematize ethical aspects of designing qualitative research,
- recognise intersectional elements within both the material collected and the forms of data collection and weigh the alternatives.
Course content:
The course will introduce some basic theoretical and philosophical theories in qualitative research. The basic theoretical assumptions, data collection and data analysis, of qualitative research methods will be discussed and problematised. Various qualitative methods will be examined and discussed in relation to various fields of research.
Course design:
The course consists of literature studies, lectures, workshops/seminars, web-based interaction and student peer-review, as well as other forms of collaborative and critical interaction. During the course introduction some basic theoretical and philosophical theories in qualitative research will be presented, whose relevance and implications for data collection and analysis in qualitative the students jointly discuss and independently elaborate further. To a great extent the course relies on the student’s own continuous literature studies and recurring collaborative reflections and critical interactions as well as peer-review tasks, for which the Learning Management System will be used. A couple of joint seminar days situated at campus Luleå will serve as the core of the course, but the Campus seminar activities and the individual literature studies will be supported by different pre-recorded lectures, available in the course LMS. By bringing own qualitative data samples, to be processed during the seminars and workshops, the PhD students will also contribute to the design – and content – of the course.
The course will be assessed by both an individual oral and written assignment. The oral assignment, in form of a collaborative workshop, should be based on the participants own authentic, or fictive, empirical data. The written assignment, in the form of a paper, should take the course literature and lectures as its basis and should connect to the student’s own, or fictive, research area.
Course grades: U G
Course literature:
Flick, U. (2014). An introduction to qualitative research. (5. ed.) London: SAGE.
Additional literature (articles, book chapters etc.) will be provided in the learning management system/the course room.
Last application date: 11 August 2025
Sign up: foutbhlt@ltu.se State name, social security number (personnummer), mail address and department in the application
Contact/course leader: Dr Niclas Ekberg (niclas.ekberg@ltu.se)
Sidansvarig: Forskning