Professional education on Center for High Performance Steel
Within the CHS technology area, we offer a number of courses that are open to participants from industry.
T7028T Metalworking
Vill du vara med i frontlinjen och omforma svensk stålindustri till miljömässigt hållbar och ekonomiskt konkurrenskraftig? Kursen i metallbearbetning är framtagen i samarbete med världsledande stålföretag och handlar om det sista ledet i tillverkningen av högkvalitativa stålkomponenter. Du får lära dig det senaste inom metallbearbetning och får en internationellt efterfrågad kompetens.
Metal working is about evaluating the behaviour of metals during forming, with regard to both material- and process dependent parameters, such as microstructural evolution, mechanical properties and modelling. The course includes metallurgy, from slabs to final product including heat treatment. You will learn to analyse and simulate metal processing with simple empirical and semi-empirical methods, as well as exemplify when finite element modelling can be used for rolling. The course consists of lectures, exercises, home assignments and possibly a study-visit (only for students at Luleå Campus). You can study this course without physical meetings, completely web-based.
The course is multidisciplinary, combining materials science and solid mechanics. The steel industry has a spoken need of future engineers with this unique combination of competences.
The Metall Working course can be applied for within the optional space of a programme.
Selectable course in the following programmes:
Master Programme in Materials Science & Engineering (EEIGM) - International Materials Science & Engineering, EEIGM, semester 8
Master Programme in Materials Engineering - Track 4 Advanced Processing Technologies, semester 2
Master Programme in Materials Engineering - Track 1 Advanced Metallic Materials, semester 2
Master Programme in Materials Engineering - Track 3 Smart Surfaces and Functional Materials, semester 2
The course can also be applied for as an Single Subject course. Apply at External link..
The course is also offered as a commisioned education. This means that companies conclude an agreement with Luleå University of Technology. The employees can than take the course at a certain cost. To take the course as a commissioned education, please contact: Hans Åhlin.
For more information about the course contact: Jonas Edberg.
Material fatigue
This course is aimed at industrial engineers who want to learn more about fatigue issues in mechanical components. We will go through why the fatigue range is important, how fatigue failure occurs and, most importantly, how to dimension mechanical components to avoid fatigue.
Course content
This course deals with fatigue of mechanical components. We begin with an introductory part where we introduce the phenomenon of exhaustion, discuss how and why exhaustion occurs, why it is important, and review the terminology. Next, we learn a method for dimensioning against fatigue failure, and discuss how we use this in FEM. Finally, we go through loads with variable amplitude, partial damage and how standards for fatigue dimensioning work.
The course is given in the form of lectures (3 x 2 hours) and problem-solving sessions (2 x 2 hours) digitally via Microsoft Teams. Between the activities, the participants solve problems on their own in the form of assignments that make up the course's examination. The course is suitable for engineers who have basic knowledge of strength theory.
Read more and apply here.
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