BASMI - Bothnian Arc Steel & Metal Industry
Project develops the metal industry connected companies of the Bothnian Arc (Finland-Sweden) to apply opportunities of the large local projects (such as mining and energy industry) and globalisation of the market in the future
Purpose of the project
The purpose of the project is to carry through market development and internationalization activities as well as business- and technology development in order to strengthen the competitiveness of the steel- and metal industry in the Bothnian region to achieve long term growth. Project activities are focused to network companies, regional development organisations and R&D to make innovative development in business and technology for SMEs. Development work will be organised through analysis, structural work and “case-studies” also on an international level.
The project activities include:
- Investigating trends and demands on the market to identify business opportunities.
- Benchmarking with SMEs of the region to develop business that meet the demands from the market.
- Developing business models corresponding optimally to the way we plan to develop, manufacture. and sell our products and/or services to the market.
- Developing products and services for the SMEs to meet the demands of the business-to-business.
- Building the base for continuous, long term cross-border collaboration in the Bothnian region.
- Implementing research activities for the SMEs.
Increased competitive ability of the metal industries in the Bothnian Arc has been reached through
- Cooperation of companies and active R&D organisations.
- The Finnish-Swedish innovation system of the Bothnian Arc has been developed and implemented and it effectively supports industrial development and growth. The innovation system typically includes companies, R&D organisations, Technology Centres, society, educational and financial organisations.
- Strategy of the future work of the innovation system; in the regional, national and European R&D programs (Vinnova, TEKES, Interreg, EU Structural funds, Frame Program 7, RFCS etc) has been prepared.
- New development projects including technological development as well as business and market development, including planning of financing.
- "Bothnian Metal Arc” has been implemented as a part of concept “Bothnian Arc” with the synergies with the work of trademarks and profiling. “Bothnian Metal Arc” is internationally known as one of the three largest centers of metal industries of the Europe.
Main partners
Raahe Region Technology Center Ltd (Finland)
Kemi-Torneå University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Business Oulu (Finland), Ab Centek (Sweden), Luleå University of Technology (Sweden), Bothnian Arc Association (Sweden).