The PROCHAIN project deals with the prediction of product properties using simulation tools, based on the entire process chain during manufacturing. Fatigue behaviour is a complex, but very critical, property with high significance for all parties involved in a process chain.
From an end user perspective, it limits the life/durability of a product. To improve and, in the long run, predict fatigue behaviour all previous steps leading up to the realization of a final product need to be addressed since the product properties are significantly affected by both material composition as well as processing.
In view of that, the overall aim for PROCHAIN is to develop the required tools for prediction of fatigue properties through digital control of process chains, integrating the material, manufacturing process and end product design.
Enabling early stage predictions of final material properties and component performance is a key technology in the digitalization process of industrial R&D activities. This will have tremendous impact on resource efficiency, shortened development time, and product performance which altogether contributes to a sustainable development.
In materials processing and product development it is of utmost importance to control the entire process chain, from raw material to finished component, in order to ensure quality, robustness and performance of the final product. Simulation driven materials and product development is continuously improving in terms of complexity and accuracy of the models. An ever-increasing level of detail that can be modelled is enabled by the development of more computational power at lower cost. The global megatrend of digitalization of industrial systems and processes is pushing this development even further.
PROCHAIN will initially involve two academic research groups (Solid Mechanics and Engineering Materials) that belong to the Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics at Luleå University of Technology (LTU). These research groups have long and continuous history of collaboration in different research projects and in the Centre for High-performance Steel (CHS) at LTU. Their scientific track record and well established collaboration offers a unique environment for interdisciplinary research with industrially applied focus.