CBTL: Create-Build-Test-Learn
The Create-Build-Test-Learn supports toolbox for engineering concept development motivates not only experimentation, but also instils design thinking in teams. By offering tools and methods for
reconstruction of the design challenge, the approach prevents teams to jump into a solution too quickly. When using prototyping as a team resource, reframing of the problem becomes part of the process, ensuring that efforts are put on solving the right problem. Here you will find a description of the contents in the toolbox. CBTL has been designed in particular to support SMEs.
Bringing a prototype lab to the company premises when supporting in a specific company case seem better than bring companies into the university. Secondly, based on our research, as well as prior research studies and literature in the area, we suggest that the starting point for development is the team members motivation and understanding of how to solve the problem at hand. We found that the simultaneous doing and reflecting upon innovation activities could have progressed and increased the understanding of the design task. The communicative prototypes provide a focused dialogue in the teams, at the same time different perspectives on the task became more visible.
The CBTL clinics take inspiration from agile development, design thinking and communicative prototyping, and describes the steps:
1. Create - express ideas and assumptions by talking, show with hands, draw, or use other simple available props
2. Build - develop functional but simple prototyping
3. Test - compare criteria from the Create stage with assessments or measures from testing
4. Learn - reflect and take a decision on next iteration
Johan Wenngren
- Senior Lecturer, Head of Division
- 0920-492059
- johan.wenngren@ltu.se
- Johan Wenngren
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