Wondering what research results have been published in CH2ESS? Then you have come to the right place. The list below contains research articles on hydrogen technology where at least one of the authors is from Luleå University of Technology.
The list displays the articles in reverse chronological order with the newest articles at the top. To find a copy of a particular article, click on the doi link at the end of the corresponding reference. In most cases it is free to download the article contained there, but for those cases where the article is behind a paywall, it may be possible to download the article through the local library.
Publications 2024
- Andersson, A., Isaksson, J., Lennartsson, A., & Engstrom, F. (2024). Insights into the Valorization of Electric Arc Furnace Slags as Supplementary Cementitious Materials. JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE METALLURGY, 10(1), 96–109.
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- Bajracharya, S., Bian, B., Jimenez-Sandoval, R., Matsakas, L., Katuri, K. P., & Saikaly, P. E. (2024). Nature inspired catalysts: A review on electroactive microorganism-based catalysts for electrochemical applications. ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 488.
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- Bajracharya, S., Krige, A., Matsakas, L., Rova, U., & Christakopoulos, P. (2024). Microbial Electrosynthesis Using 3D Bioprinting of Sporomusa ovata on Copper, Stainless-Steel, and Titanium Cathodes for CO2 Reduction. FERMENTATION-BASEL, 10(1).
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- Elsadek, M., Mousa, E., & Ahmed, H. (2024). Green approach to ironmaking: Briquetting and hydrogen reduction of mill scale using novel binders. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 62, 732–738.
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- Johansson, A., Fernberg, J., Sepman, A., Colin, S., Wennebro, J., Normann, F., & Wiinikka, H. (2024). Cofiring of hydrogen and pulverized coal in rotary kilns using one integrated burner. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 90, 342–352.
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- Joshi, J., Bhatt, P., Kandel, P., Khadka, M., Kathariya, S., Thapa, S., Jha, S., Phaiju Sunita and Bajracharya, S., & Yadav, A. P. (2024). Integrating microbial electrochemical cell in anaerobic digestion of vegetable wastes to enhance biogas production. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY REPORTS, 27.
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- Lou, W., Gao, J., Liu, G., Ali, A., Jia, B., Guan, X., & Ma, X. (2024). Enhancing hydrogen evolution reaction performance through defect engineering in WTeX (X = S, Se) monolayers: A first-principles study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 87, 620–629.
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- Lundmark, R., Wetterlund, E., & Olofsson, E. (2024). On the green transformation of the iron and steel industry: Market and competition aspects of hydrogen and biomass options. BIOMASS & BIOENERGY, 182.
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- Nikonovich, M., Costa, J. F. S., Fonseca, A. C., Ramalho, A., & Emami, N. (2023). Structural, thermal, and mechanical characterisation of PEEK-based composites in cryogenic temperature. Polymer Testing, 125, 108139.
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- Nikonovich, M., Ramalho, A., & Emami, N. (2025). Impact of cryogenic aging and test-environment on mechanical properties and tribological performance of PI-based materials. Tribology International, 201, 110209.
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- Nikonovich, M., Ramalho, A., & Emami, N. (2024). Effect of cryogenic aging and test-environment on the tribological and mechanical properties of PEEK composites. Tribology International, 194, 109554.
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- Ostman, N. M., Larsson, I. A. S., Lundstrom, T. S., Marjavaara, D., & Normann, F. (2024). Effect of momentum flow ratio on entrainment of a confined coaxial jet in a co-flow. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS, 18(1).
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- Papafilippou, N., Pignatelli, F., Subash, A. A., Chishty, M. A., & Gebart, R. (2024). LES of Biomass Syngas Combustion in a Swirl Stabilised Burner: Model Validation and Predictions. FLOW TURBULENCE AND COMBUSTION.
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- Raj, A., Larsson, I. A. S., Ljung, A.-L., Forslund, T., Andersson, R., Sundstrom, J., & Lundstrom, T. S. (2024). Evaluating hydrogen gas transport in pipelines: Current state of numerical and experimental methodologies. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 67, 136–149.
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- Saadat, N., Dias, O. T., Jaffer, S., Tjong, J., Oksman, K., & Sain, M. (2024). Anisotropically layered 2D-3D biocarbon-carbon functionality in sustainable high-performance composite for bipolar plates in fuel cell. RENEWABLE ENERGY, 224.
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- Sarkar, O., Antonopoulou, I., Xiros, C., Bruce, Y., Souadkia, S., Rova, U., Christakopoulos, P., & Matsakas, L. (2024). Carbonic anhydrase assisted acidogenic fermentation of forest residues for low carbon hydrogen and volatile fatty acid production: enhanced in situ CO2 reduction and microbiological analysis. GREEN CHEMISTRY, 26(9), 5564–5582.
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- Sarkar, O., Rova, U., Christakopoulos, P., & Matsakas, L. (2024). Continuous biohydrogen and volatile fatty acids production from cheese whey in a tubular biofilm reactor: Substrate flow rate variations and microbial dynamics. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 59, 1305–1316.
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- Sendeku, M. G., Shifa, T. A., Dajan Fekadu Tsegaye and Ibrahim, K. B., Wu, B., Yang, Y., Moretti, E., Vomiero, A., & Wang, F. (2024). Frontiers in Photoelectrochemical Catalysis: A Focus on Valuable Product Synthesis. ADVANCED MATERIALS, 36(21).
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- Shinde, P. v, Hussain, M., Moretti, E., & Vomiero, A. (2024). Advances in two-dimensional molybdenum ditelluride (MoTe2): A comprehensive review of properties, preparation methods, and applications. SUSMAT.
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- Subramanian, B., Sridharan, N. V., Vaithiyanathan, S., Gurusamy, M., Varuvel, E. G., Tsai, P.-C., & Ponnusamy, V. K. (2024). Efficacy of machine learning algorithm in estimating oxyhydrogen gas generation system: Electrolyte concentration and current influence on sustainable energy production. PROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, 191(B), 2292–2302.
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- Taranova, A., Lushaj, E., Akbar, K., Ghedini, E., Barroso-Martin, I., Gradone, A., Morandi, V., Rodriguez-Castellon, E., Zhu, W., Moretti, E., & Vomiero, A. (2024). Nickel and Cobalt Selenite Hydrates as Broad Solar Absorbers for Enhanced Solar Water Evaporation. SOLAR RRL, 8(16).
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- Vasic, L., Trickovic, N., Boskovic, Z., Jovanovic, A. Z., Vasiljevic-Radovic, D., Skorodumova, N. v, Mentus, S. v, & Pasti, I. A. (2024). Electrocatalysis of hydrogen and oxygen electrode reactions in alkaline media by Rh-modified polycrystalline Ni electrode. ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 505.
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- Wang, Z., Li, J., Yuan, S., Yang, J., Jin, Z., Tan, X., Dang, J., Mu, W., & Li Guojian and Wang, Q. (2024). Sabatier principle based design of high performance FeCoNiMnMoP high entropy electrocatalysis for alkaline water splitting. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 497.
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- Weniger, L.-M., Sefer, B., Pelcastre, L., Akerfeldt, P., & Hardell, J. (2024). Influence of Lubricated Rolling/Sliding Tribotesting on Hydrogen Trapping in 100Cr6 Bearing Steel. TRIBOLOGY LETTERS, 72(3).
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- Xia, L., Tong, X., Yao, Y., Long, Z., Cai Mengke and Jin, L., Vomiero, A., & Wang, Z. M. (2024). Simultaneous copper incorporation in core/shell-structured eco-friendly quantum dots for high-efficiency photoelectrochemical hydrogen evolution. NANO ENERGY, 122.
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- Zhong, J., & Bollen, M. H. J. (2024). On the Way to Utilizing Green Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier-A Case of Northern Sweden. ENERGIES, 17(7).
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- Zulfiqar, W., Javed, F., Abbas, G., Larsson, J. A., & Alay-e-Abbas, S. M. (2024). Stabilizing the dopability of chalcogens in BaZrO3 through TiZr co-doping and its impact on the opto-electronic and photocatalytic properties: A meta-GGA level DFT study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 58, 409–415.
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Publications 2023
- Cao, J., Jiang, G., Ye, N., Qin, Y., Ji, X., Feng, X., Zhu, J., Zhu, Y., & Xie Wenlong and Lu, X. (2023). Heterogeneous consecutive reaction kinetics of direct oxidation of H2 to H2O2: Effect and regulation of confined mass transfer. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 455.
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- Castellanos, L., Mazza, F., & Bohlin, A. (2023). Water vapor in hydrogen flames measured by time-resolved collisional dephasing of the pure-rotational N 2 CARS signal. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE, 39(1), 1279–1287.
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- Dai, F., Zhang, S., Luo, Y., Wang, K., Liu, Y., & Ji, X. (2023). Recent Progress on Hydrogen-Rich Syngas Production from Coal Gasification. PROCESSES, 11(6).
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- Johansson, P., Marklund, P., Bjorling, M., & Shi, Y. (2023a). Effect of Oxygen and Moisture on the Friction and Wear of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymers. LUBRICANTS, 11(9).
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- Johansson, P., Marklund, P., Bjorling, M., & Shi, Y. (2023b). Mechanisms behind the environmental sensitivity of carbon fiber reinforced polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). FRICTION.
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- Li, J., Chen, J., Zhao, X., & Vomiero Alberto and Gong, X. (2023). High-loading of organosilane-grafted carbon dots in high-performance luminescent solar concentrators with ultrahigh transparency. NANO ENERGY, 115.
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- Liccardo, L., Moras, P., Sheverdyaeva, P. M., Vomiero, A., Caballero, A., Colon, G., & Moretti, E. (2024). Surface Defect Engineered Nano-Cu/TiO2 Photocatalysts for Hydrogen Production. ADVANCED SUSTAINABLE SYSTEMS, 8(3).
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- Liu, Y., Cui, J., Wang, H., Wang, K., Tian Yuan and Xue, X., Qiao, Y., Ji, X., & Zhang, S. (2023). Ionic liquids as a new cornerstone to support hydrogen energy. GREEN CHEMISTRY, 25(13), 4981–4994.
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- Manu, K., Mousa, E., Ahmed, H., & Elsadek Mohamed and Yang, W. (2023). Maximizing the Recycling of Iron Ore Pellets Fines Using Innovative Organic Binders. MATERIALS, 16(10).
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- Mazza, F., Thornquist, O., Castellanos, L., Butterworth, T., Richard, C., Boudon, V., & Bohlin, A. (2023). The ro-vibrational ν2 mode spectrum of methane investigated by ultrabroadband coherent Raman spectroscopy. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 158(9).
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- Mesfun, S., Gustafsson, G., Larsson, A., Samavati, M., & Furusjoe, E. (2023). Electrification of Biorefinery Concepts for Improved Productivity-Yield, Economic and GHG Performances. ENERGIES, 16(21).
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- Mohanakrishna, G., Sneha, N. P., Rafi, S. M., & Sarkar, O. (2023). Dark fermentative hydrogen production: Potential of food waste as future energy needs. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 888.
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- Mondal, A., Das, H. T., Balaji, E. T., Das, N., Afzal, M., Giri, A. K., Sinhamahapatra, A., & Mandari, K. K. (2023). Facile Synthesis of Crystalline Molybdenum Carbide (Mo2C) Nanoparticles Coupled with a N-Doped Porous Carbon Sheet: A Synergistic Effect on the Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. ENERGY & FUELS, 37(24), 19801–19811.
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- Neumueller, D., Rafailovic, L. D., Jovanovic, A. Z., Skorodumova, N. v, Pasti, I. A., Lassnig, A., Griesser, T., Gammer, C., & Eckert, J. (2023). Hydrogen Evolution Reaction on Ultra-Smooth Sputtered Nanocrystalline Ni Thin Films in Alkaline Media-From Intrinsic Activity to the Effects of Surface Oxidation. NANOMATERIALS, 13(14).
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- Pignatelli, F., Derafshzan, S., Sanned, D., Papafilippou N. and Szasz, R. Z., Chishty, M. A., Petersson, P., Bai X. -S. and Gebart, R., Ehn, A., Richter, M., Lorstad, D., & Subash, A. . A. . (2023). Effect of CO 2 dilution on structures of premixed syngas/air flames in a gas turbine model combustor. COMBUSTION AND FLAME, 255.
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- Ritopecki, M. S., Skorodumova, N. v, Dobrota, A. S., & Pasti, I. A. (2023). Density Functional Theory Analysis of the Impact of Boron Concentration and Surface Oxidation in Boron-Doped Graphene for Sodium and Aluminum Storage. C-JOURNAL OF CARBON RESEARCH, 9(4).
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- Saadat, N., Jaffer, S., Tjong, J., & Oksman Kristiina and Sain, M. (2023). Enhancing performance of advanced fuel cell design with functional energy materials and process. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T, 26, 1723–1735.
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- Sapountzaki, E., Rova, U., Christakopoulos, P., & Antonopoulou, I. (2023). Renewable Hydrogen Production and Storage Via Enzymatic Interconversion of CO2 and Formate with Electrochemical Cofactor Regeneration. CHEMSUSCHEM, 16(17).
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- Sarkar, O., Matsakas, L., Rova, U., & Christakopoulos, P. (2023). Article Ultrasound-controlled acidogenic valorization of wastewater for biohydrogen and volatile fatty acids production: Microbial community profiling. ISCIENCE, 26(4).
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- Sarkar, O., Modestra, J. A., Rova, U., Christakopoulos, P., & Matsakas, L. (2023). Waste-Derived Renewable Hydrogen and Methane: Towards a Potential Energy Transition Solution. FERMENTATION-BASEL, 9(4).
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- Solomon, G., Lecca, M., Bisetto, M., Kohan, M. G., Concina, I., Natile, M. M., & Vomiero, A. (2023). Engineering Cu2O Nanowire Surfaces for Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS, 6(2), 832–840.
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- Tan, Q., He, S., Chen, X., Liu, Y., Gorbatov, O. I., & Peng, P. (2023). Hydrogen-enhanced decohesion mechanism of the Ni-Ni3X interfaces in precipitation-hardened Ni-based alloys. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 963.
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- Thorin, E., Sepman, A., Ogren, Y., Ma, C., Carlborg, M., Wennebro, J., Brostrom, M., Wiinikka, H., & Schmidt, F. M. (2023). Quantitative real-time in situ measurement of gaseous K, KOH and KCl in a 140 kW entrained-flow biomass gasifier. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE, 39(1), 1337–1345.
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- Uwayezu, J. N., Carabante, I., van Hees, P., Karlsson, P., & Kumpiene, J. (2023). Validation of UV/persulfate as a PFAS treatment of industrial wastewater and environmental samples. JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING, 53.
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- Ahlström, J., Jafri, Y., Wetterlund, E., & Furusjö, E. (2023). Sustainable aviation fuels – Options for negative emissions and high carbon efficiency. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 125, 103886.
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- Gillet, W., Neumann A., Duic N. (Eds.), (2023). The future of gas. European Academies Science Advisory Council, ISBN 978-619-92418-3-7 (PDF).
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- Solomon, G., Lecca, M., Bisetto, M., Gilzad Kohan, M., Concina, I., Natile, M. M., & Vomiero, A. (2023). Engineering Cu 2 O Nanowire Surfaces for Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 6(2), 832–840.
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- Liu, Y., Cui, J., Wang, H., Wang, K., Tian, Y., Xue, X., Qiao, Y., Ji, X., & Zhang, S. (2023). Ionic liquids as a new cornerstone to support hydrogen energy. Green Chemistry, 25(13), 4981–4994.
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- Dai, F., Zhang, S., Luo, Y., Wang, K., Liu, Y., & Ji, X. (2023). Recent Progress on Hydrogen-Rich Syngas Production from Coal Gasification. Processes, 11(6), 1765.
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- Sarkar, O., Modestra, J. A., Rova, U., Christakopoulos, P., & Matsakas, L. (2023). Waste-Derived Renewable Hydrogen and Methane: Towards a Potential Energy Transition Solution. Fermentation, 9(4), 368.
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- Mohanakrishna, G., Sneha, N. P., Rafi, S. M., & Sarkar, O. (2023). Dark fermentative hydrogen production: Potential of food waste as future energy needs. Science of The Total Environment, 888, 163801.
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- Neumüller, D., Rafailović, L. D., Jovanović, A. Z., Skorodumova, N. v., Pašti, I. A., Lassnig, A., Griesser, T., Gammer, C., & Eckert, J. (2023). Hydrogen Evolution Reaction on Ultra-Smooth Sputtered Nanocrystalline Ni Thin Films in Alkaline Media—From Intrinsic Activity to the Effects of Surface Oxidation. Nanomaterials, 13(14), 2085.
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- Tan, Q., He, S., Chen, X., Liu, Y., Gorbatov, O. I., & Peng, P. (2023). Hydrogen-enhanced decohesion mechanism of the Ni-Ni3X interfaces in precipitation-hardened Ni-based alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 963, 171186.
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- Sapountzaki, E., Rova, U., Christakopoulos, P., & Antonopoulou, I. (2023). Renewable Hydrogen Production and Storage Via Enzymatic Interconversion of CO 2 and Formate with Electrochemical Cofactor Regeneration. ChemSusChem, 16(17).
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- Castellanos, L., Mazza, F., & Bohlin, A. (2023). Water vapor in hydrogen flames measured by time-resolved collisional dephasing of the pure-rotational N2 CARS signal. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39(1), 1279–1287.
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- Pignatelli, F., Derafshzan, S., Sanned, D., Papafilippou, N., Szasz, R. Z., Chishty, M. A., Petersson, P., Bai, X.-S., Gebart, R., Ehn, A., Richter, M., Lörstad, D., & Subash, A. A. (2023). Effect of CO 2 dilution on structures of premixed syngas/air flames in a gas turbine model combustor. Combustion and Flame, 255, 112912.
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- Sarkar, O., Matsakas, L., Rova, U., & Christakopoulos, P. (2023). Ultrasound-controlled acidogenic valorization of wastewater for biohydrogen and volatile fatty acids production: Microbial community profiling. IScience, 26(4).
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- Chandran, M., Palaniswamy, K., Karthik Babu, N. B., & Das, O. (2022). A study of the influence of current ramp rate on the performance of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell. Scientific Reports, 12(1).
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- Mohanakrishna, G., & Modestra, J. A. (2023). Value addition through biohydrogen production and integrated processes from hydrothermal pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass. Bioresource Technology, 369.
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- Ibrahim, K. B., Shifa, T. A., Moras, P., Moretti, E., & Vomiero, A. (2023). Facile Electron Transfer in Atomically Coupled Heterointerface for Accelerated Oxygen Evolution. Small, 19(1).
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Publications 2022
- Sarkar, O., Rova, U., Christakopoulos, P., Matsakas, L., 2022a. Green Hydrogen and Platform Chemicals Production from Acidogenic Conversion of Brewery Spent Grains Co-fermented with Cheese Whey Wastewater: Adding Value to Acidogenic CO2. Sustain. Energy Fuels.
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- Sarkar, O., Rova, U., Christakopoulos, P., Matsakas, L., 2022b. Organosolv pretreated birch sawdust for the production of green hydrogen and renewable chemicals in an integrated biorefinery approach. Bioresour. Technol. 344, 126164.
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- Sarkar, O., Rova, U., Christakopoulos, P., Matsakas, L., 2022c. Effect of metals on the regulation of acidogenic metabolism enhancing biohydrogen and carboxylic acids production from brewery spent grains: Microbial dynamics and biochemical analysis. Eng. Life Sci. n/a.
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- Ramirez Camargo, L., Castro, G., Gruber, K., Jewell, J., Klingler, M., Turkovska, O., Wetterlund, E., & Schmidt, J. (2022). Pathway to a land-neutral expansion of Brazilian renewable fuel production. Nature Communications, 13(1), 3157.
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- Jafri, Y., Ahlström, J. M., Furusjö, E., Harvey, S., Pettersson, K., Svensson, E., & Wetterlund, E. (2022). Double Yields and Negative Emissions? Resource, Climate and Cost Efficiencies in Biofuels With Carbon Capture, Storage and Utilization. Frontiers in Energy Research, 10.
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- Bergman, K., Byman, K. (Eds.) et al. (2022), Om vätgas och dess roll i elsystemet. Kungliga Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademin, ISBN: 978-91-89181-31-1.
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- Wendt M., Wallmark C (Eds). (2022). Prestudy H2ESIN: Hydrogen, energy system and infrastructure in Northern Scandinavia and Finland. Technical report. ISBN: 978-91-8048-236-3 Prestudy H2ESIN: Hydrogen, energy system and infrastructure in Northern Scandinavia and Finland (
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- Mondal, A., & Vomiero, A. (2022). 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides‐Based Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. Advanced Functional Materials, 32(52).
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- Kumar, T. K. S., Ahmed, H., Alatalo, J., & Björkman, B. (2022). Carburization Behavior of Hydrogen-Reduced DRI Using Synthetic Bio-syngas Mixtures as Fossil-Free Carbon Sources. Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, 8(4), 1546–1560.
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- Kumar, T. K. S., Alatalo, J., Ahmed, H., & Björkman, B. (2022). Effect of Temperature and Gas Mixtures on Cementite Formation During the Carburization of Hydrogen-Reduced DRI. Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, 8(4), 1450–1464.
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- Ahmed, H., Sandeep Kumar, T. K., Alatalo, J., & Björkman, B. (2022). Effect of carbon concentration and carbon bonding type on the melting characteristics of hydrogen-reduced iron ore pellets. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 21, 1760–1769.
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- Mazza, F., Stutvoet, A., Castellanos, L., Kliukin, D., & Bohlin, A. (2022). Coherent Raman spectroscopy on hydrogen with in-situ generation, in-situ use, and in-situ referencing of the ultrabroadband excitation. Optics Express, 30(20), 35232.
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- Li, F., Laaksonen, A., Zhang, X., & Ji, X. (2022). Rotten Eggs Revaluated: Ionic Liquids and Deep Eutectic Solvents for Removal and Utilization of Hydrogen Sulfide. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 61(7), 2643–2671.
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Publications 2021
- Edison, T. N. J. I., Atchudan, R., Karthik, N., Chandrasekaran, S., Perumal, S., Raja, P. B., Perumal, V., & Lee, Y. R. (2021). Deep eutectic solvent assisted electrosynthesis of ruthenium nanoparticles on stainless steel mesh for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction. Fuel, 297, 120786.
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- Ren, S., Wang, M., Wang, X., Han, G., Zhang, Y., Zhao, H., & Vomiero, A. (2021). Near-infrared heavy-metal-free SnSe/ZnSe quantum dots for efficient photoelectrochemical hydrogen generation. Nanoscale, 13(6), 3519–3527.
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- Mikovits, C., Wetterlund, E., Wehrle, S., Baumgartner, J., & Schmidt, J. (2021). Stronger together: Multi-annual variability of hydrogen production supported by wind power in Sweden. Applied Energy, 282, 116082.
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- Wang, X., Wang, M., Liu, G., Zhang, Y., Han, G., Vomiero, A., & Zhao, H. (2021). Colloidal carbon quantum dots as light absorber for efficient and stable ecofriendly photoelectrochemical hydrogen generation. Nano Energy, 86, 106122.
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- Long, Z., Tong, X., Liu, C., Channa, A. I., Wang, R., Li, X., Lin, F., Vomiero, A., & Wang, Z. M. (2021). Near-infrared, eco-friendly ZnAgInSe quantum dots-sensitized graphene oxide-TiO2 hybrid photoanode for high performance photoelectrochemical hydrogen generation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 426, 131298.
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