Research projects on Centre for Hydrogen Energy Systems Sweden
The research within CH2ESS covers the entire value chain for hydrogen, ie Power system, production, distribution, storage and use of hydrogen. We are accelerating hydrogen, with cutting-edge technical expertise in combination with multidisciplinary research, collaborations and applied research.
The number of research projects connected to hydrogen is growing steadily at Luleå University of Technology. The research projects extend along the entire value chain from electricity or biomass as a source for hydrogen production, to distribution and storage, as well as the use of hydrogen in many different sectors. The research projects cover many different disciplines. Some of the main research areas are energy systems and flow mechanics, material issues and safety as well as economics and law, but the projects also deal with research in the environment, health and society as well as IT and digitalisation, etc. Some of the research projects focus on a single issue, but in several projects the hydrogen issues are highlighted from a multidisciplinary perspective. The image (above) illustrates a large part of the hydrogen-related projects that are ongoing at Luleå University of Technology, in collaboration with partners. Our partners include actors with geographical spread from regional, national, within the Nordic region, EU to international. Our partners are typically industry, energy companies and public actors and, from case to case, a few or consisting of larger clusters.
Current projects
Green Transition North is a major investment in knowledge development and skills provision in the context of the green industrial transition in northern Sweden. It includes 13 sub-projects targeting smart energy systems and circular economy. The projects are carried out in close cooperation with ind...
Sustainable Hydrogen - Potential for Bothnia Gulf Cluster
The aim is to develop new generic knowledge on how a long-term robust and sustainable hydrogen system can be developed around the Gulf of Bothnia.
Cladding of hydrogen barriers for pressurized storage units
The project goal is to develop a cladding surface layer on pressure vessels and steel linings in rock caverns in a facile technological method with optimized hydrogen absorption and hydrogen diffusion barrier for the protection of material underneath, by delaying or inhibiting hydrogen embrittlement...
Structuring of ammonia carriers as a singular source for seasonal fossil-free energy storage (SURFACES)
The objective of the project is to establish scientific and technological knowledge for the realization of safe storage of seasonal energy in form of green ammonia based on structured sorbents and composites as the backbone of the renewable energy storage system.
Hydrogen transport in pipelines
The purpose of the project is to contribute to the development of the new field of Hydrogen flows through pipelines on the subject Flow Science at Luleå University of Technology (LTU). The investment is based on basic knowledge of flow mechanics including incompressible pipe flow and advanced numeri...
Circular resource use and emission minimization - Synergies and goal conflicts in the energy transition
Overall aim: Straighten out and illustrate complex connections within the energy system and in particular the industrial sector. The focus is on the ‘use of’ and the ‘competition for’ biogenic goods and biogenic CO2, applying system analysis to create better conditions for a transition to a more sus...
PRISMAS/Hydrotrans – migration of geologically stored hydrogen in bedrock
Hydrogen (H2) is key to the electrification of industrial processes and implementation requires large-scale H2 storage.
Hydrogen pipelines a new emerging infrastructure
The prestudy on hydrogen pipelines for transporting hydrogen across the border from Finland and for long distances in northern Sweden, is completed. The result shows that hydrogen pipelines may be needed as a complement to power lines for industry's large hydrogen and energy needs in northern Sweden...
Hydrogen Safety and Improved Permit Processes, H2SIPP
The project studies how different types of obstacles to the implementation of hydrogen in the Nordic countries can be overcome, with a focus on permit processes, acceptance and hydrogen safety.
Hydrogen in future steel production
The FINAST project aims to accelerate the green transition and the Swedish steel industry's goal of zero carbon dioxide emissions.
Durability of Polymer Composites for hydrogen delivery and storage
The scientific/technological objective of the project is to design lightweight polymer composite materials for use in high pressure hydrogen fuel tanks and delivery systems.
Safer materials for the hydrogen carrier ammonia
The project will develop innovative material technologies for safe storage and transportation of hydrogen in green ammonia.
Developing a condition monitoring technique for hydrogen storage vessels
In this project, a technique based on ultrasound measurements will be developed, that together with modern machine learning techniques, can be used to monitor changes in the welded joints over time.
Hydrogen storage in lined caverns
The aim of this project is to further investigate the concept and design principles of storing hydrogen in lined rock caverns considering the challenges in rock mechanics.
Important for future hydrogen infrastructure
The aim of this project is to understand hydrogen embrittlement in rolling element bearings. This is crucial for reliable hydrogen pumping and compression systems, which are key for future hydrogen infrastructure. Luleå University of Technology is therefore running a research project on the issue in...
Research on jets for hydrogen use in iron ore pellet mills
The project Fossil-free combustion in grate-kiln pellet plant using co-jet burners is financed by Swedish Mining Innovation and is about investigating the possibility of replacing fossil fuels with hydrogen in LKAB's kiln.
Cladding of hydrogen barriers for pressurized storage units
The project goal is to develop a cladding surface layer on pressure vessels and steel linings in rock caverns in a facile technological method with optimized hydrogen absorption and hydrogen diffusion barrier for the protection of material underneath, by delaying or inhibiting hydrogen embrittlement...
Hydrogen, Ammonia, and Methanol in Hydrogen Hubs in the Nordic Region, H2AMN
The study will increase knowledge about the opportunities for Nordic ports to function as energy hubs in hydrogen-based energy systems. The project investigates, among other things, analyses of potential symbioses with surrounding local energy companies and industries and marine applications. Techni...
New logistics for distribution and storage of green hydrogen
The project Electrocatalytic Production of liquid Organic hydrogen carrier and Chemicals from lignin (EPOCH) aims to develop a new process for hydrogen production through direct charging of a liquid organic hydrogen carrier. This enabling a new logistics for the distribution and storage of green hyd...
Structuring ammonia carriers as a unique source for seasonal fossil-free energy storage
The objective of the project is to establish scientific and technological knowledge for the realization of safe storage of seasonal energy in form of green ammonia based on structured sorbents and composites as the backbone of the renewable energy storage system.
Renewable hydrogen production and storage via biotechnology
The project REFORM, Renewable hydrogen production and storage via biotechnological interconversion of carbon dioxide and formic acid, aims in the development of an efficient cycle where hydrogen can be produced and stored as a chemical for demand-oriented use.
Bio-based hydrogen production using methanol as storage and transport controller
The project will develop a technology to produce bio-based hydrogen and long-term well-functioning storage of hydrogen in methanol.