CT WOOD will use advanced measurement technology and digitization tools to create added value by streamlining the utilization of raw materials in the wood value chain from forest to finished product, where the strong increase in wood construction is of central importance. In the long term, support the wood industry's development and innovation work to streamline the production process and develop new products and systems. CT Wood will particularly focus on: development of measurement technology and analysis methods for tomography; material and process development; and optimization and digitization of the value chain from forest to industrial customer.
Area: Materials & processes
Budget: SEK 300,000/year
Schedule: January 2020 - December 2024
Project leader: Bror Sundqvist, Luleå University of Technology
Funding: This sub-project is funded by TCN's industrial partners and co-finances the entire research program of the same name. Other funding for the entire program from the Kempe Foundations, Swedish Wood, Skellefteå Municipality, Luleå University of Technology, Norra Skog, SCA, Setra, Sveaskog and SÅGAB.
The project supports the research program of the same name. Read more about the research program here.