Design instructions for moisture-proof wooden houses and buildings
The project intends to develop instructions for how houses and buildings constructed entirely or partly in wood should be designed in a moisture-proof manner so that direct and future moisture and mold-related damage does not occur.
The instructions will consider both qualitative (details) and quantitative (calculation) parts and present steps and activities in the process of a complete moisture safety design. The qualitative part specifies aspects to be checked in checklists and describes "hands on" how details can be designed. The quantitative parts refer to necessary and constantly requested input data for moisture calculations and are produced using already processed measurement data from previous projects. Since activities and details are generally the same regardless of the project, the instructions can be used on virtually all building components, buildings and houses in wood, including both apartment buildings and single-family houses, offices and other business premises. The design instructions will provide a whole and a flow of activities and elements to work with in the design phase - ie something that is required in BBR but more or less completely missing. The project is made up of sub-projects (DP) whose results and "output" together with existing knowledge are put together into a whole and also the complete instructions. The subprojects, activities and other elements are described in more detail in the full project description and project plan. Each subproject consists partly of "knowledge gaps" that need to be filled, but also of unspecified knowledge that needs to be specified in order to be able to carry out a reliable moisture safety design at an acceptable level. The instructions are given in both printed form and in a web-based tool that takes shape as the project progresses. The implementation of the guidelines is done through a "mission" in the final phase of the project with site visits to the wood industry and consulting companies.
Area: Industrial wood construction
Budget TCN: 900 000 SEK. Total budget: 5 655 000
Schedule: February 2022 - July 2026
Project manager: S. Olof Mundt-Petersen
Funding: This project is funded by TCN, TMF, Akademiska hus and Cementa.