Handbook on moisture-proof wooden buildings: meeting the health and safety requirements of the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning - Stage 2.
The present project is a continuation of the work to develop a web-based moisture handbook that can be used as a guide on a construction site for wood construction. In this Stage 2, the various sections of the handbook will be written in text and with illustrations in a way that is useful for a construction site. The aim is to support the production on site in order to reduce the number of moisture damages and the uncertainty about how the work should be done for best results.
Wooden house producers and suppliers of wooden building systems have for some time requested guidance in the form of a handbook on how moisture-related issues should be handled on a construction site to meet the functional requirements of the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning's building regulations, section 6 Hygiene, health and environment, and to reduce the number of moisture damages. At present, there is no guidance that can be used practically on a construction site. Knowledge is available in various research reports, theoretical handbooks, guides, etc. but there is no collective material that clearly shows how moisture should be handled in practice. This has led to uncertainties and sometimes discussions and disputes between the various actors in the construction process whether they have acted correctly.
Field: Industrial wood construction
Budget TCN: 600 000 SEK. Total budget: SEK 1 500 000
Schedule: April 2022 - September 2023
Project manager: Thorbjörn Gustavsson, RISE
Funding: This project is funded by TCN, CBBT, TMF, Swedish Wood and RISE. Phase 1 has been funded by TCN.