Measurement methods for measuring the distribution of chip fractions
The specific objective of the project is to find a workable method to measure the degree of filling of the different sieves.
The measurement is technically challenging due to vibrations and soiling, which is why the project will measure vibrations using accelerometers and the degree of soiling will be estimated by visual inspection of a sawmill saw blade. In a subsequent project, the measurement method identified as most promising will be tested in practical operation. The whole project can be seen as part of an objective to increase the profitability of sawmills by generating higher remuneration for produced by-products. In addition to higher profitability for the sawmills, the pulp mill's yield would also increase.
Area: Materials & processes
Budget: 270 000 SEK
Schedule: January 2023 - June 2023
Project leader: Tommy Vikberg, RISE
Funding: This subproject is funded by TCN.