New method for temperature measurement on band and jigsaw blades during operation SAWSENSE
The project involved the purchase and testing of newly developed temperature measurement equipment (SAWSENSE) for temperature measurements on band saw blades and jigsaw blades during operation and in 2 different positions on the band (front and back) and blades (at the cutting edge and near the center).
The SAWSENSE equipment gave results where the temperatures are typically 30-50 degrees and the temperature differences are 0-5 degrees in a number of tests during the end of 2021 made by Norra in Sävar (Tom Löfgren). The tests were done on a band saw and two problems with the measurements were revealed. One problem is the misreading of a sensor sometimes but not always. The other major problem is that the movable and spring-loaded measuring bodies that are in contact with the band got stuck due to dirt (oil, water, chips) getting in between the movable and fixed parts.
One conclusion was that the equipment can work temporarily during a test with some manual effort but not for a longer period in continuous operation. Since the purpose was largely to measure over a longer period of time, this makes the equipment difficult to fully utilize.
Only tests on bandsaw bands have been made and not on blades.
Field: Materials & Processes
Budget: SEK 260,000
March 2020 - May 2021
Project leader: Mats Ekevad, Luleå University of Technology
Funding: This project is funded by TCN.