Oscillating drying climate - tomograph and climate chamber studies
Results from the experiment show that there may be a signal of an increase in moisture content on the surface at certain moments, but no clear link to the pumping phases could be observed with clarity during longer periods of drying.
During the transition between the capillary phase and the diffusion phase, phenomena such as a slight increase in the moisture content of the most superficial part of the studied wood during the resting phase are observed. In the tomography images, there is always some blurring of the outermost pixels on the surface of the wood at the air/wood transition, which makes it difficult to assess the outermost layer of pixels in the wood.
The results show that it may be possible to detect the phenomena by computed tomography, but more research should be conducted with higher resolution equipment to reliablyevaluate the moisture dynamics near the wood surface during oscillating drying.
Area: Materials & Processes
Budget: 168 000 SEK
Time: April 2019 - April2021
Project leader: José Couceiro, Luleå University of Technology
Funding: This subproject is funded by TCN.