Productivity measures for Industrial construction
There is currently a lack of knowledge about the differences in productivity between traditional construction and industrial construction due to a lack of data for industrial construction.
This study is a first systematic approach where the main question to be answered was:
What is the productivity development for industrial wood construction in Sweden and how does it compare with conventional construction of apartment buildings?
The quantitative data collection was based on self-reporting of economic and construction project data by the participating companies. The measurements at the construction project level covered 154 construction projects geographically spread across Sweden between 2014-2020. The construction projects include group-built single-family houses up to two floors (30%) and apartment buildings for housing, retirement homes and student housing (70%) corresponding to 9 334 group-built single-family houses and apartments in apartment buildings. The qualitative part of the data collection took place with system suppliers and building contractors around industrialized timber frame systems. As this is a first systematic approach, no quantitative correlation analysis has been carried out and the results should be seen on a more general level. The quality is dependent on the accuracy of the companies' own reported figures and interpretations.
Area: Industrial wood construction
Budget: SEK 333,000
November 2020 - June 2021
Project leader: Lars Stehn, Luleå University of Technology
Funding: This sub-project was funded by TCN and co-financed the entire project of the same name. Other funding for the entire project from Träbyggnadskansliet and CBBT (Centrum för byggande och boende med trä).