Simplified experiments and test methods using "Climate Cubes"
The purpose of the project is to further develop the idea of Climate Cubes where we create a common reference for the companies and others involved with a number of practical routines and develop some simpler methods to make more efficient controlled trials and
tests on a smaller scale before possibly making a full-scale trial and implementing in production, transportation, and in the storage of volume on the construction site.
Climate cubes are a smaller version of a volume based on the size of a Europa pallet. Some Climate Cubes have been built, giving us a more manageable, cost-effective and resource-efficient test object that can be easily built, loaded, unloaded and moved around to different climate zones by hand. They also work in a lab environment and in climate chambers with controlled climate loads. This would allow experiments to verify the functioning of both new materials and measurement systems. We can then build on the idea and use Climate Cubes in more contexts.
By having a defined small volume and test procedure that provides repeatability, it is easier to determine whether a change gives a better or worse end result. (The basis for most test methods and verifications) Different types of short-term or long-term experiments can then be done by the company itself or in collaboration with RISE. With a set procedure and thoughtful documentation of the test results, each new test will build more knowledge and provide new data. By documenting the results, they can now be more easily disseminated between companies and used for comparison with the next test, showing the progress being made.
Area: Industrial wood construction
Budget: SEK 169,000
Schedule: March 2022 - December 2022
Project leader: Göran Berggren, RISE
Funding: This project is funded by TCN.