As of January 1, 2024, degree certificates are issued digitally. Your degree certificate serves as proof that you have met the requirements for a specific degree. Accompanying your degree certificate is an English-language supplement, the Diploma Supplement. The purpose of the supplement is, among other things, to facilitate the recognition of Swedish degree certificates in other countries.
You apply for a diploma via Ladok External link, opens in new window..
Programme and degree structure
Degrees are awarded at three levels: First cycle, Second cycle and Third cycle. The level of your degree is indicated in the syllabus/course requirements list and the qualification descriptors.
Degrees on First cycle includes, for example, Higher education diploma, bachelor’s degree, and professional degrees such as Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Bachelor of Engineering.
Degrees on Second cycle includes, for example, Master's degree, and professional degrees such as Master of Science in Engineering and Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Nursing.
Degrees on Third cycle are Licentiate and Doctoral degrees (PhD).
Degrees are governed by the Higher Education Ordinance (SFS 1993:100) and by local governing documents such as syllabus/course requirements lists, qualification descriptors, and Guidelines for the Processing of Degrees.
The purpose of the guidelines is to describe Luleå University of Technology's implementation of national and local regulations regarding degrees. The guidelines cover degrees on all levels.
Apply for degree certificate
You must apply for your degree yourself. You can do this by logging into Ladok for students External link, opens in new window..
The processing time can be up to 4 weeks from the completion of the application. Degrees in healthcare, education, and research are prioritized, with a processing time up to 1 week for these.
Do not submit the application for the degree until all courses included in the degree are completed and marked with final grade in Ladok.
Keep in mind that you should not include more courses than required for your degree, for example, a Bachelor's degree of 180 credits and a Master's degree of 120 credits.
Courses at another university
If you have taken courses at another university that are to be included as elective courses in your degree, it will be visible when applying for the degree certificate.
After the degree is Issued
The degree certificate is digital, and once issued, you will receive a notification via email. You can then log in to Ladok to retrieve it.
Sharing/verification of completed degree
There is an opportunity for students to share information about completed degrees via Ladok to any recipient, eg an employer.
Do this:
Log in to Ladok (Degrees and certificates) and select "Share certificate". Here you download a control code and pass it on to the recipient together with your social security number. The recipient can then access information about your degree and which courses are included in your degree. Information can be found in Ladok on the "Share certificate" page.
Verification of studies
Prospective employers can contact for verification of a student's academic achievements.
Information about ECTS
ECTS grades replaced by ECTS Grading Table (EGT)
In order to facilitate the mobility of students within Europe, the European Directorate General of Education and Culture in Brussels issues recommendations on how grades should be transferred between universities in different European countries. New recommendations are published eve1y few years in the ECTS Users' Guide.
Until 2009 national/local grades were to be translated to what was known as the ECTS scale comprising the passing grades A-E. With the ECTS Users' Guide 2009, however, the ECTS scale was abolished, since it had proved to be difficult to implement and therefore had not been generally accepted. It was replaced by the ECTS Grading Table (EGT), which is a table presenting the distribution of the national/local grades.
Since January 2011 it is possible to p1int transcripts of records including EGT from Ladok (the national system for documentation of academic information at higher education institutions in Sweden). The EGT is generated automatically and based on all grades awarded on the course from the start until and including the date when the present student was graded.
However, the EGT of a specific course is normally only included in the transcript of records if grades from the course are available for a period of at least two years.
In the Vice-Chancellor's decision no. 21/11 (dnr 254-11) dated 8 February 2011; the Vice Chancellor cancels the right of international students to have their grades translated to the ECTS scale. Instead, all students who ask for international grades should be offered a transcript of records including the EGT.
Credits and hours
Swedish universities have a system of credit points. One and a half point corresponds to one week of full-time studies, which for the student means approximately 40 study hours per week, although the number of lectures and classes varies. One academic semester comprises 20 weeks= 30 hp/ECTS credits. One academic year (40 study weeks) of successfully completed full-time studies gives 60 hp/ECTS credits.
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact or call +46920 49 10 00.