Distributed Team Innovation
How can we cooperate remotely and how do computer tools affect our collaboration when we work with creative design processes.
The project MINMED explores complex models and methods for innovation management. As a part-experiment, we try to understand the difference when a team collaborates in the same physical space and how a virtual team performs the same design task.
The experiment wants to identify specific phenomena that occur in a distributed team. In the experiment, the perpetrators interact with each other, what they look at and how they communicate through sketching.
Project leader: Mario Storga, University of Zagreb / LTU
Researchers: Tomislav Martinec, University of Zagreb and Peter Törlind, LTU
Models and Methods of Innovation Management in Complex Engineering Systems Development (MINMED)
The project is run by Mario Storga (University of Zagreb) and also a Guest professor at LTU.
The goal of the project is to develop a set of fundamental models and methods for innovation management within and across hierarchical social networks existing in contemporary private and public R&D organisations, and to explore and develop analyse and simulation tools for quantifying knowledge and information dynamics as a mean for prediction of the future trends in organisational innovation.